Settling in heaven

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"Do you believe this?"  Easton said as they gawed at the Florence gazing at them in one of the rooms in Heaven, "you said you didn't have a plan, I didn't believe you, and this is where it lands us," Ria replies raising her two hands horizontal for measurements, "turn around please," the mistress tells Ria

"I'm sorry. But we need a plan out of this Heaven or it will be too late," Easton says. "Mr. Easton, raise your left leg please," another mistress examining Easton says.

"We are being held here for life, there's no turning back," Ria said as Easton froze in his skivvies, "the mistress standing beside you has been here for 13 years. You can ask here about some things, not every time Ria, Ria,"

"Well, I feel comfortable asking you,"

"Wait here Mr. Easton and Mrs. Ria you're clothes would be available in twenty minutes," one mistress says

Ria sighed and said "You've thrown away all the good things I had and worked for,"

"They'll be a way out I promise you,"

Ria chuckles and rests on the table behind her, "you're not serious, are you,"

"I'm serious, I'll write down a well-strategized plan and you'll get to review it when you come tomorrow,"

"it seems you're having a hard time understanding that there's nothing like fighting here, the system will opt you to sleep for 25 minutes,"

"You're lying," Easton parroted, "why didn't I get shocked when I tried hitting Norman earlier,"

"Yeah you're right, you tried, but you didn't initiate any form of contact," Ria says, "hit me,"

"You don't need that to make a point,"

"Hit me,"

"Ok," Easton moves his hands mildly towards Ria's face. She grabs him by the hand, "hit me, lazy soldier,"

"You can't wake the demon in me," Easton settles full buttocks on the table, "so.." he tries to say something

"Woo, I thought you were strong and fierce," Ria said, backing away and being aware of Easton's mechanical movement of his hands. Looking over his shoulder to spot Ria's face from a short distance. Ria tried to say a word, "if…" following the movement of her mouth - zig-zag - Easton had already engaged her side jaw with his left hand which stayed unnoticed all this while.

"Sweet Jesus, you hit me," Ria moves away for a minute,

"I'm not asleep yet," Easton says hopping down from the table,

"Wait for it," Ria says holding her jaw tight, "ahh - ahh," Easton shouts, like lesser, it came through from the ground and grinds through to Easton's teeth, "bruuuuu," Easton slams his side on the table, then falls flat to the floor, "tall hawk talks, never talk," Ria holds up as she felt just a few of the epic lessers.

"Ohh, you're bumpy roomie has finally kept shut," one of the two mistresses finishes with the dresses and walks out of the room on the other side,

"He's new to this particular way of life," Ria says

"He'll get used to it, we all did,"

"I haven't yet," Ria stepped into the white and white jumpsuit, "old things haven't passed away huh," the mistress says

"So what about him?" Ria points at Easton, "about him, one of the Robots would take him to his room, ohh you're room too,"

"Robots are now carrying out primary humanitarian activities?"

"Yeah, after you guys had run away, it affected us very badly. Norman had to move all remaining 55 workers to control the secondary systems, upgraded the robots, and made them carry out the primary functions,"

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