Safe Heaven

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Ria, twisting the wheels of the engine left and right with Easton on the side seat finds her way across the desert carrying the refugees stuck behind each side of the bumpy shelves of the floating engines. "boring as it always is, we gotta find peace in between somehow," Ria said

"Let's sing a song of victory then," Easton said already humming through his lips,

"Yeah that's a nice idea only that these are not fellow soldiers, their survivors," Mrs. Peter said,

"Got a better idea, old lady," Easton says, Everyone was quiet for a minute, "that's what I thought,"

"So, this is how the song goes," Easton said, "the first..." he tries teaching the chorus

"I'm gonna tell a story," Mrs. Peters decides to tell a tale

"Christ Jesus, about what?" Easton blinked on the side mirror

"About the past, it would help you in your course,"

"Let's hear it then," Ria said still moving forward,

"My husband you all know who he is, Norman Peters,"

Everyone muttered, "the rumors are true," they told one another, "why don't we throw you out so you get bitten into a raw material,"

"Yeah, the one her husband created,"

"Everyone quiet, she's one of us," Ria raised her voice a little above normal, "if she has something to say that will help us, then we hear it without complaint,"

"Better be worth it," another whispered,

"A simple love story about how it started," she said, "in the story of the wolf, the sheep, and the shepherd, silence is a terrible thing, and so is the truth. So what if Norman lied and called that lie into doom sky, clouds scuttling across heaven, the sun lighting the leaves? But in the midst of the silence a word calls out from heaven and darkens the grass, near the little villages," she giggled, "he told me something and I'll say this in rap,"

"If there's something that you need to say, stop whining," Easton shouts

"Truth is we all lie to find out what's worth," Mrs. Peters says

"What do you mean?" Easton turned and looked unto the two shelved back seats through the striped iron bars that differentiated the two front seats from the empty space behind, "say it now before we cross,"

she sighs and said, "you never know,"

"Congratulations we've reached the borders of Morocco. You made it give yourself a hand," Ria says, jumping down and rushing to open the back door for the other refugees to come. Everyone settled and walks a little distance, "over to you Easton," Ria said, "they'll believe you,"

Easton walked towards the immigration officials settling by the borderline, "that's far enough, identify yourself," their leader shouted

Easton surrendered his loaded rifle and walked towards them, he flipped out his ID card from his left back pocket, "I'm Easton Tate McRae, an officer of the Green Beret, American special forces, sent on a desperate but classified mission which went sideways just before we landed. We plead you house us for a moment while we contact home,"

"You're the US refugees Captain Flynn told us about,"

"Captain Flynn... yes, we are," he says, "while I have a little stuff to fix back in the desert I'll be back in three days, just do well to take this number of refugees to safety,"

"Are you going back in there?"

"As I said, it's classified and I can't discuss any of it with you, but better still you'll have to help me take these people to safety before it's too late,"

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