Done Connection

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Flynn sits over his computer across the long polished brown table in a padded room with the President of America on his small-sized television…

"Mrs. President this is a vital situation and I suppose we act as swiftly as possible,"

"Officer Flynn, you also know that Norman is a thief and has extensive links with top officials in the US government,"

"Yes, madam president, but it's imperative that we act as soon as possible or we'll be forced to eat of the bad fruit,"

"Prep the Delta Force team, as you said, we'll be sending them as soon as possible,"

"Madam President, I'm sorry but we don't need it as soon as possible, we need it right now,"

"No one is leaving the united states to Sahara without my say-so,"

"I'm certain, but…

"But nothing," she says, "I don't want any complaint from you. Not now not ever, just do what I say and tell you to do,"


"Thank you, Officer Flynn," she laughs a little, "maybe a walk in the fresh air will pep you up," she waves on the big screen and said, "I have other meetings Flynn, call me when you have something important. Not urgent,"

"Yes, Madam President,"


The boys had agreed to stay in a room someplace close to a tall building where Norman stuck his toys. While he, goes in to search for James, "good luck," Ray says,

"Yeah, yeah," Easton walked straight to the other end of the hallway and dragged the door open. Moved in quickly and stood in the middle of the tall building, "woo.. this is taller than I anticipated," he tells himself trying to make count through a variety of more than 30 stages of robots, "God helps us," he snapped and turned, "where are you?" He turned and searched around and saw the search panel like Ray instructed, "ohh, got ya," he moves swiftly and taps the computer on, "I beg of you don't select," lucky enough the computer panel didn't select. Straight to the search space," he types in James.

"Loading initiated," a woman from the panel spoke. He laughed. 321 out of 700,321 robots, "whoops, we have a problem,"

He hoicks out his radio from his jumpsuit pocket and connects with Ray. The radio sounded shaky at first then stood at a certain frequency, "Ray, do you copy,"

"Loud and clear," Ray replied,

"We have a problem" Easton sounded frustrated,

"What now? Have you been caught," Ray sounded even more pent-up frustrated,

"Do you know James' full name cuz, they are 321 James toy out here,"

"That's all you need,"

"Were you expecting my death sentence?"

"James Jenkins got it,"

"Yeah," Easton pressed a side button on the radio and it disconnected, "James Jenkins where are you?"

He taps in the name the fastest way possible, and after a while, the results pop up, "James Jenkins…"

"Yeah, it's you, where are you?" he taps on location, the female from the panel spoke again and within seconds the results displayed, "the penultimate level side zero,"

"What does this mean?" He taps his head moving his eyes around and around, "penultimate? What do you mean?"

A lot of shocks ran through Easton after he heard footsteps approaching, he calculated how Ray taught him and it wasn't robots, just one human walking in his direction, "what do I do now?" He is nervous. Seconds after contemplating his radio rang smoothly this time.

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