Heaven 2

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The boys, Easton, and the boss were still settled alongside Mike separately in Easton's apartment that evening waiting for the update on their family members. Mike felt sleepy so he didn't wait any longer, "hey guys I'm gonna go, see ya tomorrow,"

"Alright," E said. Mike walked out of the apartment and sauntered to his bedroom,

"I can hear from Flynn and give you the update tomorrow," E said,

"It's our family you're talking about here," Rob said,

"I'm not leaving this place,"

"C'mon we need our strength tomorrow and sleeping will very much regain that. This is midnight already,"

"I don't care. My boy, I need to know more about him," the boss said

"We stay then, but I'll leave once it's 1 o'clock," Ray said

"You can leave I'm not,"

"Call again," Rob says, "maybe he's busy with something else,"

"He gave an order, he'll call back,"

Smith stretches onto the bed and says, "the outside world is a gift. A precious one, very important we must keep it the best way possible,"

"Yeah," Rob said,

"Against all odds, I won't go back there," E said, "I won't be a soldier again. My country had betrayed me,"

"Thinking about the same thing but I haven't found something else to replace the hole it would create," Ray said, "I'm not ready to go back and search for my passion,"

"I don't know yet either," Smith says, "even if I change today to what field would that be. I'm not an entrepreneur, I have no skills, no desire. Just big chest and arms," everyone chucked,

"Guess it's my turn now aye," Rob said, "my heart says stop it, find something else to do. But my head, it's still in the game," he said, "don't know which one to follow,"

"What about you boss?" E said,

Boss Immediately woke from his slumber, "what's this about again?"

"What would you love to do after you get out? Will you remain a SEAL or something else? Something not scary and frightening,"

"Hmm," the boss giggled, "where else would I be called boss," everyone burst out in happiness,

"He loves that name, boss," Ray said,

"You'll always be my boss," Rob said,

E's radio rand twice then he picked it up, "Shuu, everyone quiet," Easton immediately turned it on and said, "we've been waiting for hours Officer Flynn,"

"Yeah, we had to check and get the correct Intel so we don't run into the wrong information again,"

"I understand sir,"

"Starting from Master Chief Thomas, his wife is suffering from critical cancer but his son is ok, and well. Schedule for foster care if his mom dies,"

"Oh," Boss walked slowly and sat on the edge of the bed, "my boy is alone," he said

"Second Ray Manuel, the computer technician. His grandma died. Probably from the shock of his death," Ray took his seat beside the boss, "what do I do now?"

"Third, Smith Bishops. His two sisters are married with three and two kids respectively. Both parents deceased,"

"Fourth…" Flynn says,

"Ask him about my boyfriend," Smith tells E, shaking and freezing. Still holding the phone tight to his ears "BJ his name is BJ," Smith says

"Sir, Smith requests to know about his boyfriend, BJ,"

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