Route to Technology

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"Easton, this way," Ray with his jacket tied around his waist leads Easton through the corridor in the middle of the night.

"I'm pressed, my bladder will blow up," Easton, still developing his characteristic courage and self-reliance, holds his lower abdomen to the edge of the corridor.

"I hear noise, who are those?" Ray went down slowly peeking through to catch a glance of what they were walking into.

"Seen anyone," Easton still breathing heavily says

"Not yet, but I think, they are close,"

"Those robots? You can count their steps,"

"Those robots are designed to move 18 steps forward and backward each time their pacing. Most likely they're in their 12th…13," after a few seconds his voice was shrill, piping, and significantly low, "go down, they're here." Both slept flat on the vertical wall for exactly 18 seconds, "they're gone, we have just 18 seconds until the return," Ray said

"Where's his apartment?"

"The one on the opposite left,"

"Alright, I'll go first, then signal you, after he had opened up," Easton suggested

"That sounds great to me," Easton tiptoed across the corridor to the left and knocked twice on the door, "knock, knock". Easton shook his head after a few laps, "he's not responding,"

"Open the door," Ray whispered,

"What?" Leaving Easton blank with no clue of what was going on, "you said I should knock until he opens,"

"Just do it," Ray insisted,

"Alright, alright," Easton plugs his hands on the door holder and pushes, "it's open," he moved inside, and not long Ray crossed over and joined him. Although a robot sensed somewhat of a petty movement before he had arrived, it was all clear.

"Hello I'm Easton," Easton waved his right hand,

"Who brought this mama to my house?" His  attitude, dark yellow face - wrinkled and dry- the oddity of his pose seemed to be against Easton's smiling face, "what do you want?" Mike early forties asked

Accidentally, both Ray and Easton tried speaking at once, "I…" Ray said, "ermm," Easton said.

"You go first," Ray stretched out and touched Easton, "no, your go first," Easton counters

Alright, Ray finally spoke up, "we need clearance to the top floor,"

"Yeah, clearance," Easton nodded

"Ok, at least that's the most sensible thing you guys have said since you entered my apartment,"

Ray and Easton nodded, " Seventh Heaven to be precise," Easton cuts in mid-sentence

"What do you have to trade?" Mike said, "like something in return,"

"Nothing, for now, maybe we could help, ermm sweep the floor or clean your dirty stuff or some," Easton replied

Mike turns around and looks at the corner of his room, "there's my vacuum cleaner, I don't need a hand, I need what you have to trade,"

Ray busted his chest up, "what do you want?"

"I won't do the finding for you. You do the finding and I'll do the assessment, if it's worth the risk, I'll take it, if it's not…nice doing business with you,"

"Everyman wants something. What do you want?" Easton insisted

"Two foolish handicap badges into my apartment without a coin or anything of exchange. Nonsense, you've made your point, I'll give you half over ten for escaping those two white boxes at my front corridor," Mike walks closer to the threshold and pulls the handle and the door flips open, "Now, it's time to leave folks before I scream intruders and you get whooped tomorrow at town hall," Mike blinks, "good night folks and don't worry about coming next time I don't want to see you ever again,"

Robotic Vampires जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें