Truth revealed

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Easton and Ray dodged their way through to the technical early Saturday by 5:08 to be precise. Ray was in charge of watching the entrance from the door, while Easton went further behind the AST section to deal with Murphy, "Sam if it's you I'm not gonna apologize just go," Shawn still focused head down on his microscope says,

Easton moved closer slowly "it's not Sam. I'm Easton McRae, heard of me,"

"Let me guess you're one of those guys that usually come around to mock at my work, no need I won't stop,"

"I'm not mocking, I'm here to ask for your help, please help me,"

Murphy finally turns around and stares without opting a single word, "you're the guy Ria talked about,"

"Ria? Yeah, we really want out, and I'm sure you want out too,"

"If you're the guy then you know the answer, I won't mind wasting too much of my time with you,"

"It's not getting any better in here and you know it. Odds are, we will all die after Norman is done using us for the course,"

"I know, and that's why I'm always up all morning to find a way,"

"If you really want a way out help us. You'll get back to your old job and life, I know it wasn't any less better than this but? You were free, and you could cross the street and go to your neighbors and have dinner together…"

"I didn't like my neighbors, they didn't like me too,"

"What do you want us to do before you make us the radio," Easton dragged a small stool and sat just beside Murphy, "we'll do anything. Even if you want to join us and get out, you'll have your wish granted,"

"I have a boy and a woman who loves me. I don't know love and can't behave socially to be able to fit in the community and the outside world,"

Easton leaned back on the desk, "will you help us?"

"Us? You talk like they are other people that are following your course,"

"I guess, you never know,"

"They are so many things about Norman that I don't quite grab," he snaps his lips and drags Easton to the lens of the microscope, "look here, you see four cells, light blue," Murphy changes the petri dish, "look at this one you'll see same four cells but reddish brown," Murphy sighs. Easton shrugged, "if only I understood a tiny percentage of what you just told me,"

"The last image you saw is the red blood cells in our  body; you and me," Murphy said


"The latter is the blood of Norman, it's very strange, how can something like that run in a human body,"

Easton smiled away then looked Murphy again in the face, "it's almost 6:00 I'll be leaving now, I hope we've agreed,"

"Sure, of course, I'll drop it off in the lapse of two to three days from today,"

"Ok, I'll see you then,"


Ria and Norman walk through the hallway whistling and scuffling to technical, "I'm pressed I want to release," Ray said but Norman cut her off,

"We are a few minutes away from technical, you get yourself a nice seat in the toilet,"

"Well, I can't be tossed around any longer. I'm not leaving this place, just so you know,"

"I don't intend to stay here any longer," Norman says, "keep it moving,"

"No…" Ria stops by the restroom threshold, "I won't take long, please,"

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