The Beginning

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Raucous laughter and silliness just didn't have a place in the world that's becoming. The world that was is the one that we leave in. The world where we visit a friend without the fear of being eaten alive by some robotic yet mini-sensitive vampires. Yes, vampires.

Just like everyone thought, in six months time, grief was wearying, gruesome death would already began in a remote area somewhere in the Sahara desert. The armies of over a million matching towards the real world. And we, the Green Berets of the US military, are the only ones to stop it. Master Chief Hayes, the commander in charge, plugs his gun and dumps it on the circular steel table situated in front of us in a transport aircraft heading to the Sahara desert,

"We don't want to risk eyes from the ground. We'll drop here from the sky," he says as he uses his pointer to tap a spot on the map, lying flat on the welded table sitting in the middle of the plane,

"Ohh, Jock hope you won't freeze out," one Jason Maduro says, "voo-voo," Jason smiles tapping Jock

"Does Jock hate jumping?" Hayes asked,

"No sir, I'm fine with flying around," Jock gets pissed,

Jason holds the short pitiful stunted middle east soldier,"Jock you know the truth, don't let me remind them of our training when we were newbies," everyone chuckled

Jock said "Funny, but no one laughed,"

"Ok, enough, focus…" Hayes rounded his eyes around the team, and all 13 behaved, "good, we continue. When we arrived at the target building half a mile from our landing position. They'll be two teams, 7 on one side of the building, and 6 on the other," he stops and looks upward, then continues, "we'll go in secure the red button and get out, hot or cold, we are Green Beret," he says"any questions,"

"Sir," Easton McRae raises his index finger, "go on," Hayes says,

"What if things go South and we can't get out, what do we do?" Easton asked

"We are there to make sure things don't go South," Hayes looks Easton straight in the eye, "Our target is the red button," Hayes says, "Intel from a CIA operative says it's like a box made of glass with a single but effective red button inside. We get it, we hope to stop whatever is going on in Norman's head," he looks around again and yells "Are we clear,"

"Aye Master Chief," everyone echoed

"Good, go get some sleep, we move out by dawn,"

Everyone muttered and walked away to their bunker, made of clothes, tied around two irons on opposite sides and suspended in the air, "I hope this works out," Easton tells Jock,"

Jock folding his supplies into his bag turns and looks Easton full in the face, "I won't risk my fear for something that won't work,"

Easton still had an inkling something bad was about to happen. He thought, if Norman Peters had such technology, then he must have been assisted. By who? This question rang until he finally slept and woke again still hanging on with the thought of who assisted Norman to build a robot who would wipe us all out, "Are we ready to jump," Hayes yells

"Yes sir," they all shouted. "Suit up," Hayes parroted, with Jock's eyes still focused on the menacing dark cloud and the danger it would bring. After some routine checks by the safety operator, Easton was the first to dive out, then Jason, then Hayes, and not long the rest of the team had all landed on the floating atmosphere.

Swimming in the floating breeze above, Pike the African American shouted as a rocket took out the plane, "Watch out,"

Thwock…thwock…thwock, the blades of the plane shouted louder. The plane struggled to gain balance in the air but later loosed affirmation to the course and fell dead with all that was on it.

Robotic Vampires Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant