SEASON 2 |4|

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third person pov

——— • Team Sasuna left the other teams alone after they sweeped the floor with the other students. They stayed hidden throughout the whole game, which lead to be placed in third place, just right.

Shinsou was satisfied with this result and didn't complain. "Uchiha...san," ge reluctantly called her. The girl turned around to face him, "hn?"

He politely bowed his head, "Your help was appreciated, thank you," he said. Sasuna stared at his lowered head before she chuckled, "Isn't it nice? Knowing your place, you can take advantage of things you didn't know existed," those were ger last words before she left to look for Midoriya.

The boy could only nod, and so that was the last time they interacted throughout the whole festival.

Sasuna turned to lefts and rights, up stairs and finally down. While walking through a corridor, she can finally feel Midoriya's presence...and he was with Todoroki.

She hid her presence.

"Midoriya, are you.... Allmight's lovechild?"

...Sasuna froze. No...No!

She can't laugh yet, she needs to hold it in, and she needs to stay quiet. She has no choice but to laugh out quietly, and with no noise. Her body vibrates and as she tries to contain the noises.

And because of laughter, she made a mistake...she slapped her thigh.

The two boys froze in alert, "Who's there?!" They called out simultaneously. Sasuna couldn't keep her laughter anymore and showed herself to the two dobes, "Hahaha, that was hilarious! Sorry, but Izu-kun being Allmight's lovechild? Oh my, could this be solve the mystery of who's Izu-kun's father?" She gasped dramatically.



So this is what he's been thinking, this is the source of Todoroki"s unknown rivalry with Midoriya? Now She knows.

"Well... it's not what you guys think it is," he tried to reason. "It's not what you think it is...which means there is some sort of relationship between you two," Todoroki reached his conclusion.

Sasuna still chuckled, "There probably is, those two are too close to not think of any theories." She thought.

"You know my father is Endeavor, right? The forever number 2 hero." Todoroki continues to explain. Sasuna soon stopped laughing, as this is a serious tall that Todoroki is willing to reveal, and perhaps she can explain her relationship with Todoroki too...and then she'll ask Midoriya for answers.

"If you related to the number one Pro Hero, then the more reason I have to surpass you...My father is an ambitious person. As a Pro Hero, ge quickly garnered reputation, but for him, tge living legend that is All Might sticks out like a sore thumb." Todoroki continues to explain his reasons, and soon his story reached his situation with Sasuna.

"Right...and speaking of Quirk Marriages, Endeavor is trying to set me and Shoto up." She revealed. Midoriya slapped a hand to cover his mouth, he felt saddened and disgusted, how he used to view the number 2 hero changed immediately.

"He actually has been pestering my Dad about it ever since they met, till this day he's been plotting. And that's why...I didn't do my best during the games," she confessed. Midoriya breaghts in and let's tye oxygen come out to calm his nerves.

"I see... that's understandable." He answered. "I planned to tell this to Katsu later...but—" Yes, Sasuna felt Bakugō's presence where she was just earlier. The boy must have felt left out, Sasuna will have to apologize for not telling him sooner, and because knowing gis personality.

Todoroki walks away, "I don't care of your relationship with All Might, so it's fine if you don't tell me. I'll use the power on my right side to surpass you, and I'll continue to help Sasuna hide her true potential. Sorry for bothering you..." He said.

Sasuna let Minoriya chase after him, and Sasuna truned back to the corner where one of her ducklings are. She put a hand on Bakugō's shoulder, "Let's talk over lunch," she suggested, which the blonde boy agreed.


"So that's what has been happening without me knowing? Dramatic," he rolled his eyes as he aggressively eats his food, Sasuna could only sigh. "Sorry that you had to know that way, I know how wabt to fight me in a fair match," she apologized shortly.

Bakugō could only mutter under his breath. In his memory, Sasuna is similar to him, they like to be on top, and that includes fighting. Bakugō has labeled her as his rival, a person he respects, and a person he needs to surpass.

But he begin to think about it, "Has Sasuna ever lied about her quirk?"

This thought also had cornered Sasuna in her room before, thinking about it, and thinking about tge possibility of loosing a friend. One of her closest friends...

She doesn't have the strength to confess yet, and she might have no plans on telling Bakugō anf Midoriya the truth. Perhaps she'll confess once her father finds a way to go back to their universe...

"Don't think I'm not suspecting anything, I'm still suspicious of you. your friend, I guess I'll just have to give you a pat on the back..." He hesitantly said.

Sasuna could only grin, and so she devoured her ramen. "Ramen? Really?" Bakugō judged as he ate his nutritious, healthy, and tasty lunch. Who would expect that Bakugō actually follows a diet?

Sasuna glared at him, "Dad introduced it to me when I was a kid, now it's my favorite~ He said it reminded him of a good friend," she stated. Bakugō could only nod and continue to eat his food.

A few tables away, Kaminari and Mineta are lying about cheerleading. They plan to convince Sasuna too, but knowing how she can be— not to mention she's with Bakugō, they are not risking getting their face wrecked.

And so a few minutes later, lunch is already done!


Right, the girls frim class A wore the cheerleading outfit, and Sasuna's confused why. Nevertheless, she laughed pitifuly at her classmates, "I feel so sorry but I can't stop laughing!"

After present Mic had explained the rules for the last event, Sasuna had already formed a plan. "I should aim for third place, it won't hurt my ego that much," she concluded.

• Sinong kinakabahan sa pasukan?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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