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Waking up on Monday's was harder then a normal day. Knowing I have to deal with 7 period for the next 5 days made my head hurt. Knowing I have work and work to do every day and loud annoying kids to deal with made it worse.

I got up still half asleep to get ready for school. I showered and changed into some jeans and my hoodie like always. I put some concealer to hide my eye bags and grabbed my bag.

As always I left walking to school. We all know I don't have a car nor I know how to drive. I like walking to school though even tho I do get paranoid when cars go slower next to me. Somehow it's calming and means I have some time out than being inside.

On my way, Nura texted me.

N: heyy you coming to school today?
D: yeah I'm on my way. You?
N: great! I'll see you then

I was really tired. It took me a while to fall asleep last night. Luckily there wasn't any thunder. I still couldn't help but think about Evren. He did nice things for me while I was over at his house. To think that he tried to make me eat warms my heart. I don't think anyone would ever do that for me.

Today I didn't feel that upset which was a bit of progress for me. Even though I know there was going to be something to ruin it later on cause that's just how it always is. There's never s day where I enjoy happiness without something ruining it.

By the time I got to school there was at least 5 minutes left before the bell rang which was perfect since I didn't want to be waiting too long.

I entered and decided it was best if I started heading to class.

Just as I entered I saw Evren with his friends in the corner of the lockers. He glanced at me before going back to whatever him and his friends were talking about. It's weird to think that he now knows who I am while before he probably didn't even know I existed.

I headed to my class and waited outside of the door so I wouldn't go in too early

Once the bell rang I went in and put down my chair.

"Good morning" Mrs Kennedy said with a smile on her face. I quickly returned it before people started to come in.

I got out a pencil and laid my head onto the desk. I could really use some sleep.

Then the classroom got louder which only meant one thing. Evren and his friends were there. The whole class talked to them. I was always the only one left out.

Class then started and we begun to take notes. It was harder to write with the scratches on my fingers but I made my way through it.

The rest of 1st period went by faster than yesterday but still slow. The teacher left us a small packet of homework which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Walking in 2nd period I spot Nura. When she saw me she came up to me.

"Hey girl!!" She looked all exited and happy. She was wearing to small purple clips on her hair that matched her top and shoes. She looked so pretty I wish I were as pretty as her.

"Hiii!!" I responded matching her energy.

"Guess what! I got invited to James party!" She squealed with excitement. Jake was also one of the popular kids she had a massive crush on. I was happy for her. She talked about him like 24/7 and I was glad she was invited.

"Really? Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you! You're gonna have so much fun!" I smiled at her. Just then the bell rang indicating class started and we headed back our seats.

The teacher had us answer a few questions about the passages we read yesterday. Once again the packet was pretty easy for me and I finished quick so the rest of class time was free time.

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