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When I woke up I still felt hands around me. I tensed up not knowing what to expect. Flashbacks from what happened came to me as I slowly start to panic again. The hands around me tightened letting me know it was okay. As I look up, I see Evren still sitting next to me using his phone.

How long have I been sleeping for? Or was I even sleeping?

"Evren?" I whispered. He was probably mad at me. But if he was, why would he stay next to me? "What?" Again. There it was. That 'I don't care about anything' tone.

I stayed silent I didn't want him to get mad. "Hmm?" This time with a nicer sound. What was I suppose to say? I was here at Evren's house in his bathroom with my head to his chest. I had no energy at all. Was it morning or was it just a few minutes?

"I'm sorry." It came out more quiet than I expected. "Why?" He questioned why. I wanted to apologize over and over for everything that happened but I needed to know how much time had passed. "How long have I been here for?" I asked. "Around 10 minutes." He stayed here with me for 10 minutes while I was I don't know sleeping? "You passed out soon after. " I could tell he was looking at me. Did I really pass out?

"Im sorry I- I should probably leave" I tried getting up but as soon as I sat up I got dizzy and fell backwards. Landing on my wrist the pain shot back. I had forgotten about it. It hurt so bad. My eyes got with tears but I quickly wiped them.

"Stay here." He got up and left. I saw my phone on the floor next to me. I had it in pocket it must've fallen when I sat down. I grabbed it and turned it on. 6:47 pm. It had been a while since I got here. I went into my camera and I looked terrible. My eyes were puffy and red. My face was swollen. My cheeks were pink. And the popular guy saw all this. He saw the worst of me. No one had ever seen me break like this. That's so embarrassing.

Evren came back with water and painkillers. "Here take two. You aren't allergic to anything are you?" I shook my head. Luckily I wasn't allergic to anything and took the two pills. I thanked him and stayed sitting on the floor. I knew I had to go home soon and I didn't want to. I didn't want to face my parents.

I looked at my shirt. It was still covered in dried blood. I'd have to throw it away when I got home.

I'm guessing he saw me and came to me and gave me the hoodie again. "Change into it." And with that he left.

I slowly got up and I shut the door and carefully removed my shirt. The hoodie he gave me was black and had a white Nike sign on it. It was soft on the inside and comfy. It smelled like the strong cologne he wears. I put on the hoodie and looked at myself in the mirror. The hoodie was oversized on me and went past my butt but overall it made me feel safe.

I got out of the bathroom and saw him sitting in his bed. "I was thinking we could make a DNA model showing how the adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine work."

I was too tired to listen that I just agreed with what he was saying. I sat on his bed while we looked at examples on google. "This one?" He asked pointing to an image on his laptop.

I yawned and nodded. My eyes were closing the more and more we looked but I didn't want to be annoying. It has been an hour since I took the painkillers but the tingling on my wrist was starting to come back. I didn't hate that sensation tho. Sometimes it felt calming.

"Are you tired?" He pointed out my yawning without actually pointing it out. "Yeah" I shyly said. He paused for a while and looked at me. "Do you wanna go home?" I froze. If my parents found out that I wasn't at home, I'd be in big trouble. I was scared of going back. How would I even get in there without making noise?

Having thoughts rushing to my head made my eyes water. I didn't want him to think that I'm weird. I looked away and wiped my eyes. What would I say to him?

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