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First of all thank you for giving this story a chance. Although this story may or may not be what you'd like, I appreciate that you are at least giving it a chance:)

I am not perfect and so is my writing. Keep in mind that this is my first ever story where I've decided I actually want to keep making. I've started many but never seem to put it in the right words. So I apologize if it doesn't make much sense. Please correct me if there's mistakes, I'll gladly accept the corrections.

I don't have an update schedule but I'll try to update when I can or when I feel like writing:) but they are very slow updates.

This story will contain sensitive topics such as:
-Self harm
-Suicidal thoughts
-Panic attacks
-Eating problems (has a few food comments and eating habits)
-And not so friendly language (cussing)

I don't intend to make any of you uncomfortable. For this reason if you are sensitive to any of these please be careful when reading. I am not trying to glamorize these. If you feel the need to talk to someone, im always here:) please don't be afraid to reach out to someone. Remember that you are loved and worth it<3

This is my tiktok for this account if you are willing to go to it for any reason.

The first few chapters won't have much dialogue since it's basically explaining what's been going on or who is who but I'll put more conversations and dialogue in the next few chapters:)

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