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The last few days have gone slow in a blur. The same endless cycle every day. Wake up, school, get home, shower, sleep. And repeat. It felt like every day was a struggle to keep going.

Nura wasn't talking to me much either. She's slowly distancing herself more and more and I can feel it.

Only interesting part of my day is Evren always looking back at me every chance be gets. It's like if he was looking back to make sure I was okay? I always just pretend I don't see him, but I see it every day.

After Jenna's incident I no longer eat lunch outside. Getting an appetite was harder too so I didn't worry much. She has been giving me dirty looks every that though. If it's not her side eying me, it's her friends. And if it's not her whispering to her friends about me then I'm not sure what else it is.

Todays day was going okay. I was used to my daily schedule. Because we're in spring the teachers only talk about testing and projects. But they have been giving us much free time. Mostly to get going on studying or finishing work in order to test.

I've also been spending most of all my classes in the library for the same reason. I'm all caught up and I don't feel like studying yet. I use that time to read or listen to music. Even sometimes to nap since I don't get much sleep at night.

Right now I was reading a book and I suddenly got the urge to use the restroom. Lunch was about to begin so it wasn't really a problem. I gathered up my stuff and walked to the closest bathroom.

As I was walking to there I suddenly got pushed back into a locker. I yelped as my back hit the hard metal and my head touched the back.

"So so sooo what do we have here?" Laughed Jenna.

Of course it has to be Jenna. Of course.

I stayed quiet and didn't say a word. But I could feel my heart starting to rush.

"You are so pathetic and lonely" Jenna yelled in my face as the bell rang.

Everyone was staring but didn't bother to say a word.

"Don't tell me you're heading to your awful spot to eat?" Once again she mentioned. Everyone was still staring and her friends were smiling at her.

She finally let go and I ran out.

I hurried into the closest room I could find. Which was the storage room. It was hidden from the rest of the school.

I sat and leaned against the wall, the furthest away from the door. I needed to feel something. I needed the choking sensation to go away. The tears in my eyes to dry out.

With shaking hands I took my phone out of the phone case and pulled the hidden blade out.

My heart was beating so fast. And there was no way to stop it. It felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

Once again I pressed the cold silver blade against my wrist. Slicing new lines that slowly filled red. Again and again and again. The familiar warm sensation filled my whole body just as the familiar numbness spread its way through my arm. A wave of relief washed over me.

My breathing slowly making its way through. I lean my head against the wall and stare at the now interesting ceiling. The tears made their way down rolling down my cheek. I could feel the blood running down the sides of my arm.


I quickly got up but stopped right when the room started spinning quickly. I felt faint. I just needed a second. A second to get a hold of everything. Luckily lunch was longer today. So I could take a while without having to worry.

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