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I've always been a shy girl. Always been the girl that no one pays attention to. I've never really mind that but there was times where I wish I was known. I've never been the girl that gets all the guys like every other girl or that tries hard every single day to get boys attention. I've always been jealous of the girls that are easily able to get everyone they wanted. Always wishing I was as pretty as them.

My parents are never home. They are always out for business trips due to their work or are always busy with work. Im an only child so im basically always alone. Honestly, I hate it. I hate being alone in a big house having no one else. My parents can get me anything I want but that won't change the fact that im still alone.

I've been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for a while now, yet my parents still find an excuse to say im over dramatic. As a kid I never got much attention as a kid should. I was always left alone with no family since we moved far away from them.

At school I have one close friend. Well, kinda close. She has her other friends. I don't. I'm just me. Since I'm the quiet girl no one really talks to me. They don't even know my name. But I guess it doesn't matter.

I'm a good student. I have good grades. Teachers look forward to me. I guess it helps that I'm always alone and have nothing to do at home so I study and do work when I'm bored.

There's bullies and popular people. But I'm far away from being like them. Never have been popular and probably will never be. They're all the same. Except someone. That someone is Evren Hilton. He isn't like the other popular kids. He acts like he doesn't care about a single thing. He acts cold like the rest but I know something is different from him. I can feel it.

I have 3 classes with Evren. I don't think he notices me in any of them. Usually he's disrespectful to the teachers but still manages to have good grades. He doesn't like to bully others like his friends. He simply just stands there and ignores them. Well sometimes he can be a little aggressive but I don't think he means it.

Evren has black wavy hair. He's tall. Like really tall. Or just way too tall compared to my height which is 5'2. He plays basket ball and football. I know like every basic boy. He has 2 piercings in each ear too. Every time I walk home I always see him smoke a cigarette which I wouldn't be surprised. He has all the girls all over for him and still hasn't dated anyone.

Entering 1st period, which is one of the classes I have with Evren. History, The teacher said we would soon be doing a project with a partner. I hate partner projects. I always had to work alone but this time she said she would choose our partners. That makes it worse since no one talks to me.

All my teachers are chill. They never pressure me when we have to do group projects. They always at its okay when I ask to work alone. They basically are done with High schoolers. They all act so immature and act like middle schoolers.

1st period seemed to go by so slow. I hated it. 2nd period was even worse. I know I said I have chill teachers, but this one. I won't even get started. At this point she's only teaching for money. No one likes her.

I have my friend Nura in that class though so that helps a little. Nura isn't always hanging out or talking to me. As I said she has her other friends I guess it's just because we have a few classes together but other than that I don't know why she talks to me.

"Take out your book and read chapters 3 and 4 SILENTLY" Mrs bake commanded. The whole classes whined but got to work. I loved when it was quiet work time. The chapters of the books were usually pretty long so it took almost the whole class period for others. For me it only took a few minutes which then left me with free time while the others finished.

Checking my phone there was a text from my mom.

Mom: Don't forget to clean the house Dahlia we might get back today and we might bring our friends with us so I want it to be clean please.

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