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The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. I felt like I couldn't even open my eyes from how puffy they felt. Since I fell asleep on the floor my body was sore. I got up and went to my window to check if my parents car was still there. Luckily it wasn't. That means they left back to there so called business trip.

I looked in the mirror and I looked like shit. Puffy eyes, red cheeks, puffy face. Taking painkillers would probably help but I hadn't eaten all day yesterday or today, I wasn't even hungry. A weird fact about me is that when I'm upset I lose my appetite a lot. I guess it was also an anxiety problem.

I decided not to eat anything and to deal with the headache. It would make me nauseous for the rest of the day and I didn't feel like staying like thay. To make sure my parents were gone completely, I checked their room. There suitcases weren't there so I was safe.

When I checked the time it was almost 1 pm. No wonder I was and wasn't so tired. I slept in late. Going into the living room, thoughts of Evren staying there got to me. I sighed as I remembered how he witnessed everything. And I mean everything. Starting from him seeing my cuts, a panic attack, to my parents yelling at me. God knows what else he saw or heard after I left. More of what my parents said to him.

He wouldn't even want me to go back to his house. Probably all annoyed of me. I stayed staring into my distance when I thought of checking my phone.

Hey wanna come over again today for the project? I bought things for the model. See you here at 1:30.

Why is be always making things so early. Do his parents not stay home or something? I didn't feel like going out anywhere especially to his house not after everything he saw.

I stayed sitting down in the living room. Not doing anything. The smell of clean house I left yesterday was all I could smell. Everything was clean. Why did my parents make a big deal out of a cushion. I left everything shiny and clean. Literally no dust particles.

My parents would probably be gone for another 2 or 3 weeks. They made sure to always send groceries once in a while. So they wouldn't completely abandon me.

Time passed by quickly even though I wasn't doing anything. It soon hit 1 and I had to get ready. I threw on a pair of dark blue jeans and kept on Evren's hoodie. It was starting to become my comfort hoodie. It was warm and comfortable to be in all day. I put on my shoes and just brushed out my knotted hair.

I grabbed my bag and keys and got out of my house and started to walk. It wasn't a nice day. It was cloudy and cold. The breeze smelled humid and I knew it would rain so I'd have to hurry. Even though I didn't feel like walking fast I still picked up my pace. When I got there it was 1:17. I didn't want to show up too early so I stayed outside, on his porch waiting until a few minutes passed.

"Aren't you going to knock?" A cold voice said. It to be Evren's.

With little energy I turned around to look at him. He looked ready. Unlike me, I was dressed all lazy and gross.

I wanted to go home. If only I could go back time and tell him I wasn't going to be able to make it. It's a stupid project. As long as we got it done by the due date we were okay. But no he wanted to work on it right away.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to come too early and make it seem weird." He wouldn't understand. Of course he wouldn't. He's Evren. Popular, and actually good looking. He probably expects everything to be the way he wants it.

Evren continued to stare at me. I could see some slightly concern in his eyes. I knew my eye bags were noticeable, but I didn't have the thought to cover them up with concealer. I don't usually wear makeup. It was either me with no makeup or me looking like a try hard.

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