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"Okay, he's gotta be here somewhere..." I said as I was looking around some abandoned building. My visions helped me out and they helped me track down where Louis could be. One side of me hopes that he's okay and that he didn't make a stupid choice to go fight the enemy all alone. The other side of me is pissed off because he decided to go run off without telling me that he was going anywhere.

This guy promised me that he would talk to me before he went off to go fight. However, I guess with what has been going on lately, he suddenly felt the need to leave us behind and go solo. Which is also really fucking stupid. Like, whatever we are going through shouldn't push you to put yourself in a bad situation. You still have a daughter to think about, and you need to make all of your plans more secure so that you can actually guarantee that you'll come out of it alive.

Brook and Zayn have been helping me out as well. Zayn is the one that's with me. Brooke had to stay back with the babies. Because she said and I quote, 'If anything happens to these two as well, then I might just pass out due to the stress.' Which I fully understand. I can't pass out though. I'll just be too busy killing whoever took my baby.

"C'mon, where the fuck are you?" I asked in a low whisper and as I was turning a corner, I heard a loud thump. I looked at Zayn and the two of us walked to wherever that sound was coming from. I was the one who found a door that led to the big commotion. I poked Zayn and he looked at me. I gestured to the door and he nodded. He followed close to me as I approached the door and I took the doorknob. I twisted it before, opening it. We were met with my Louis flying across the room, hitting a wall.

"Lou-" "Shh!" I gushed Zayn and I was quick to think of a game plan that will get Louis out of this alive and still breathing. "Okay...it's obvious that this...thing can detect movement," I said and I inspected the enemy from where I was standing. "It can't see you. It doesn't have eyes, so that means that they are simply attacking by sound. You can only whisper. The hearing isn't even that good," I said and Zayn nodded his head.

"How are we going to get Louis out of this then?" He asks and I sighed. I looked at my boyfriend who was heaving and I looked at Zayn. "We can get him out safely, but I might beat his ass afterwards." "Understandable. I won't stop you. Just don't kill him," he says and I nodded. "Won't have the heart to do that anyways. Now...let me protect him while I think of the game plan..." Zayn nodded again and I created a forcefield over my boyfriend and I didn't bother to care if he looked to see if it was me or not. I was too busy thinking.

"Okay, this monster goes by sound alone and it can't see you. You can only whisper, so maybe if I just...." I formed stone walls that would protect us while we make our way to Louis. "And I'm going to make a field for the two of us just in case," I said and Zayn understood. I started to walk quietly to Louis and Zayn was right behind me. "There was a forcefield around us as we were walking and once we got to Louis, i dismissed the three and just made a big one for the three of us.

"Fucking asshole..." I cursed and kneeled down next to my lover and I placed my hands on his chest. "You really thought that now was a good idea for you to go out on your own?" I asked, but Louis didn't respond.

"We need to focus," Zayn said and I agreed. I healed my boyfriend to full health and I helped his dumbass up. "So what's next Harry?" Zayn asked and I looked at the monster that was just looking around the room. "I thi-" "Your thinking nearly got yourself killed. I asked Harry," Zayn snapped and that made Louis go quiet. "Well this thing is going to be a bit hard to beat since it's a monster that 4 of us would be able to beat. However, we are going to have to work with this. The only one that really needs a field is Zayn. Especially if my plan goes well."

"They usually do, do I trust you," Zayn tells me and I smiled. "Thanks. Now, here's what I think we should do..." I explained my plan to the two and I had explain it 3 more times for Louis to understand what we were doing. When he seemed annoyed of my repeating, I took a mental note to slap him two times instead of only once.

Reborn (Larry Stylinson) (B2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant