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"So when were you two planning on telling us that you are back to the old life? When were you going to tell me that you were back to being a superhero? Did you want to hide that from me? Huh?" I asked as I was sitting across from my boyfriend. He was on his phone and it was irritating me so much that he was not seeing how much this was effecting me.

"I forgot to tell you. You know it tends to happen when your are pissed off at your ungrateful lover. Which reminds me, weren't you ignoring me?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "You are acting like a child Harry. I don't even know why you are so upset with me," I tell him and he just frowned, looking up from his phone. "Well, if you can't see why I'm so upset, then you are obviously blind," he tells me, getting up from the couch and I watched him walk away from me. "Hey! We aren't done talking here!" I shout and Harry nodded. "You aren't, but I am. Jay is sleeping too, so keep it down, will you?" He asked and I glared at him.

What the fuck crawled up his ass and died? I didn't even do anything wrong...at least I don't think I did anything wrong...

"What you two are going through is not important. The important thing is that you didn't bother to tell us about your return to this life. Brook, you and I have nothing going on that would have you disregard reeling me this information." "I know, and I am truly sorry. I guess I'm just really focused on this mission that we have that I've forgotten. Also, being a mommy is a bit distracting too." "Okay, I guess I can understand that, and it's alright," Zayn says and kisses his wife on the cheek.

I saw Harry mumble something under his breath and it made me a bit pissed. Because I just know that he was talking shit about me. "What was that Harry?" I asked and Harry looks at me. "What made you think that I was talking about you? You know the whole world doesn't revolve around you Louis. I could be talking about Jay. Or I could be talking about what's more important and that is getting our friends back," he says and even though I knew that he was lying because of his sucky way of telling lies....what he did say did sting a little.

I really don't know what happened to us. We were so strong before and we were so happy, but this happens and everything is just tossed to the side. Like I love him, but I just don't know if he feels the same way.

"Are you two okay? I can't help but sense a lot of tension between you two?" Brooke asked and I looked at her before I looked at my boyfriend. "Don't want to bring the two of you into our mess. Don't worry about it," Harry says and he turns so that he's no longer looking at us. I looked at Brooke again and she gave me the 'are you okay?' look. I shook my head and got up.

Which was the time where Jay decided to cry out for one of us. Harry put whatever was in his hand down, and he started to walk towards the nursery. "Don't. I got it," I said and he looked at me. "Really?" "Yes? She is my daughter too Harry. Jesus Christ, I'm not a bad dad." Harry didn't say anything then. He just nods and walks back to the kitchen. "You're going to need her formula," he tells me and takes the battle from the fridge. He did a few things to it so that the formula would be warm and he handed the bottle to me when he was done.

I took it and I walked to the nursery. I walk in and I see my little girl wailing in her crib. "Hey baby girl. What's wrong? Is my little blue hungry?" I asked and I picked her up. I didn't smell a dirty diaper, so I pressed the tip of the bottle to her lips and she started drinking from it. I smiled at her and she had her eyes closed as she was drinking.

When she leaned away from the bottle, I knew that she was done, so I placed the bottle down and I held her, patting her back till she burped. Which did happen after about 3 minutes. I rocked her from side to side, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and humming a nice song just for her.

When I knew that she was asleep, I placed her back in her crib and walked out of the room. I closed the door and I saw Zayn as soon as I turned to get back to the others. "What's up Z?" I asked and he looked at me sympathetically. "Nothing, what's up with you? Better yet, what's up with you and Harry?" He asked and I sighed. "Do I really know? All I know is that he's been pussy at me for a while now and as you saw in there, he snapped at me for no reason..." "Okay...well I can tell you one thing." "What?"

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