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We were on a mission. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and myself were on a mission in fact. "This is absolutely and utterly bogus!" I whispered in a small shout as we were stealthily walking through the forest. "What is?" Liam asked which he automatically regretted once he saw the look on both mine and Zayn's faces. "Harry's water is bound to break since he's like 2 weeks late on the delivery on our first child," I said. "And Brooke is bound to break at any time now. Yet, here we are on some dumb mission." "Guys, if we don't do this mission, then it could effect the entire world. Especially those soon-to-be born babies of yours. Now hush!" Niall scolds and I rolled my eyes.

"Niall are you pregnant?" I asked. "No-" "Are you on the bridge of childbirth?" "Wha-" "If no, then leave me alone. I don't feel comfortable being here when my boyfriend is very damn close to giving birth. Especially since he's late," I said and just looked ahead. "Let's just get this over with," Zayn said. I looked at him before I sighed. "Alright..." I formed a big ice bolder and I used that to break open the doors. When we stepped in, there were guns pointed at us.

"Now we could make this very easy and have you guys turn yourselves in. Or, these three will have no other choice but to surrender," Zayn said. Why did he have to make it all sound all dramatic? I really don't know. Because we all practically know that they were going to go with option two. We all knew that when we heard them load their guns. I sighed before I make motions which formed a wave of water and I made this wave hit the enemies and they they fell to the floor. Liam ran at one of them and punched them in the face with his fist of fire.

Zayn was fighting with one and Niall was cutting off the air circulation that was in his enemies throat. I transformed into a wolf and I pounced on the idiot that was in front of me. He yelped loudly, but the taste of his blood was soon seeping into my mouth. I really hope that this guy didn't have any sicknesses..."Louis, are you good over there?" Niall asked. I was about to respond to him until there was a video being displayed behind me.

"Congrats gentlemen. Impressive work, really," I know that fucking voice. I turned and saw Brooke's dad. "Now before you get all hasty. Your pregnant wife and boyfriend are okay, and they are going to be okay. I just want one thing." "Oh to hell with you!" I shout. "Okay...deserved that. Look, I'm not going to even try to push your buttons and Harry's since you guys can go dark and kill me with no hesitation or emotion. Pregnant or not," he says.

"I just want you guys to stop seeing each other. I wa-" "I'm not anyone's bitch," Liam, Niall, and myself said at the same time. A little bit of our dark side came out and that made Brooke's dad freeze. "Now if you are trying to threaten me and I swear that if you land a single finger on my boyfriend and my soon-to-be born baby, then I will not hesitate to kill you." "Yeah right, Brooke wo-" "And like I said just now dumbass, I'm not anyone's bitch. Don't think that I won't snap your neck right here and right now. I have enough power to do just that." "But will y-" I sped away and I ran all of the way to where he was. It only took me thirty seconds and I was standing right behind him.

I grabbed him by his neck and with an iced hand and I whispered, "Don't doubt me." My glowing blue eyes were digging into his soul and I could tell that he was scared. Guns were drawn at me and he smiled, but I only winked. I used Ice Manipulation and I had the guys who were holding the guns choke on big rocks of the cold substance.

"One by one, they will fall. Now if you want to have this happen to you too, then just say that," i said with a smile. "It can be slow with water," I said and made the douche choke on water and he was just coughing water out of him. "Or fast with ice," I then said and he found it hard to cough it out, but when he did cough, a little rock with a little blood fell out.

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