20 (Short)

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Harry was once again left alone in the apartment while Louis is our looking for their friends. Jay was asleep in her crib and Harry was hesitating calling a good friend of his. Him and Brooke made a choice that Harry is fully regretting at this point. He just needed someone to talk to. He talked to his baby, but as we all know...babies are good listeners, but they aren't good at communication. He needed someone who isn't his lover or baby to listen to him and talk with him.

"Fuck it..." He cursed under his breath and he picks up his phone. He unlocks it and goes straight to Brooke's phone number. He presses the phone icon and it begins to ring.

After one ring, Brooke picked up. "Hey Harry, it's been a while, yeah?" She greeted and Harry chuckled. "Yeah, it has been a while, hasn't it? Thought that we would visit each other more often so that our kids could get to know each other. We need to start planning play dates when they are one," he says and Brooke hummed in agreement. "That sounds fun honestly and I can definitely see that they are going to be the best of friends." "I don't see why they wouldn't."

"So what's been going on? You sound upset? Did Louis do something stupid?" "No, not yet. I just have been thinking about things.".." "Like?" "I have been thinking about my secret life. The whole superhero thing was fun and...I don't even know. Like I'm a mom, so I shouldn't be thinking about this, right?" He asked and there was a pause before he heard her sigh with...relief? "I honestly have been thinking the same thing. I really miss going back to work. I picked up this job of being an office worker, and it's so fucking boring. I miss taking care of you guys and inspecting mythical topics. Also, being the boss was great. The vibe is also what I miss..."

"I miss my old life too. I talked to Jay about it the other day, and I know that it sounds weird, but...babies can make you realize things. Like...her life is still going to be at risk. As well as mine and Louis's. Stepping away from the life isn't going to stop people from hunting me down. It's just my duty to protect her and it's my duty to make sure that the world that she lives in will be as safe as possible," he confesses and stands up from the dining table.

He walks into Jay's miniature nursery and he walked up to the crib that she was sleeping in. "I thought that stepping away would be a good thing, but I just can't help but regret doing so. Niall and Liam are missing and I can't help but feel guilty." "I heard about that actually... Eleanor came by and she wanted to see our son, but later on within her visit, she just spilled everything to me. Never thought that Lottie was going to be the dumbest leader possible. Like...I put her in charge because I thought that she would like make th right choice as the boss..." "I guess you were wrong..." "I guess so."

"So what do we do?" "Well I can't really do anything as of right now since Louis is just out looking for signs as to where they could be." "I'm down to talk to Zayn so that we can meet up and help out with the search." "Are you sure?" "Harry...I just told you that I missed my old life. I got my smarts back pretty fast after I had Alvin. That mommy brain is pretty legit by the way..." We both laughed and Brooke went quiet.

"This guy needs to be taken down. We need to end this before he kills everyone off slowly and painfully. We need to save those two from him and we need to get back to our old ways while doing so. Just because we are going through wars, it doesn't mean that we can't be cool ass parents. My son will always be safe and I'll be sure of that. Jay will also have the upmost protection. She only needs her parents aware of her well-being and she's a okay. Besides, you would kill if someone touched your daughter."

"True...I still need to apologize to Eleanor's boyfriend...I didn't mean to scare him..." "I know Harry. I just think that choking the guy out with vines around his throat is a bit much." "He was tossing my daughter into the air. She's not even one yet Brooke." "Yeah, but he knew how to be careful with her."

"Whatever...we are getting sidetracked at this point. What are we going to do?" "I say the two of us pick a place that we can meet up at and talk about the plans that are necessary about moving through this mission." "Okay...my sister lives down the street from where I'm at right now and she's willing to leave for the weekend. I warned her and everything. She's packing right now and she's just waiting for the thumbs up from me." "Good. Go ahead and tell her to go." "On it. Hold on..."

I did what Brooke said to do and I gave my sister the thumbs up to leave. She was surprisingly still up at this time and she tells me that she's heading out as we speak. I went back to the call that I had with Brooke and she tells me that she's already packing with Zayn. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

I walked out of my daughters nursery and I walked to my bedroom. There was only an empty bed in front of me. I didn't feel like sleeping, so I just walked to the kitchen and I started to cook Louis and I some dinner. It was late, but I never ate anything today and I was starving.

I'm actually going back...I'm going back to that life that I once thought was too dangerous to raise a family in. I really do miss fighting crime with my best friends and liver. It always made me feel so warm to know that I'm one of those people who are constantly fighting to make our world a much safer place for our little ones.

However, right now it is only about Niall and Liam and I am not stopping for anything to get them back to us. Of course Jay is our top priority still, but I know that you got the point.

"I'm going to get you back Niall...even if it's the last thing I'll ever do...I'll make sure that you are safe and back at home."

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