Chapter 29

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Sorry about the very late update. I had a little issue with my surprise I had with y'all and I didn't want to post until it was ready. Plus I think its time for a new laptop. Mine keeps shutting down and its getting super annoying.

I'm not the biggest fan of how I ended this.

Anyway, I'm not going to keep y'all long. Hope y'all enjoy and let me know what y'all think.





Aurora POV:

It's nice to have friends.

Being so used to doing things by myself, it was weird to have people being around me, wanting to do stuff with me. Mundane tasks like grocery shopping or homework were more bearable when I had someone to do it with. Dining at my favorite cafe, or whatever restaurant that had the food I currently desire, was easier to do with a companion tagging along. Studying was better with another brain to bounce around questions and answers with. A movie marathon or a sleepover was a bit more fun with people my age than with my grandparents.

I adored my grandparents.

But there's no way I could enjoy watching a muder mystery documentary without watching my grandma squirm uncomfortably or listening to my grandpa's scared rambles.

"Oh my gosh!" Handful of buttery popcorn and jaw slacked in surprise, I couldn't help but to gape at the screen. I took in the man that appeared on the screen, a manic grin taking over his usual friendly demeanor. "You were right!"

"I usually am when it comes to this." Jeneise eyed the screen with boredom. Watching as the accused killer cackles crazily at his interrogators, the demon rolled his eyes. "You humans make it so easy to know who the killer is."

"Because of experience?"

He snorted, "These horror movies are child's play compared to what I've done."

"Oooh," I shoved a handful of popped kernels into my mouth. The lightly salted and butter coated kernel tasted wonderful at the moment. I was happy to soothe my craving for salty snacks. "What have you done?"

He paused mid-swing, beer sloshing messily in the bottle. His gaze flickered away from the screen, mouth slowly leaving the tiny rim as I patiently waited for an answer. Jeneise frowned, "I don't think-"

"What did I miss?" Jason sauntered out the kitchen, arms full with snacks and chilled drinks. He wandered towards me, my napkins and desired peach flavored soda held tightly in his hands. "Here's your refill and a napkin."

"Thank you!" I accepted the much needed napkin and soda can. I set the drink between my thighs, whipping away the butter and salt that clung to my fingers. "And Jeneise was right about who the killer was."

"I could've told you that. He has a sixth sense when it comes to this shit." He plopped down in his seat, dropping his snacks onto the table. Jason eyed the pile, gaze seeming to linger on of cheese coated chips and beef jerky. "Plus humans make it very easy to know who it is."

"Have you done murdery stuff too?"

He snickered at my question, plucking a bag of cheesy chips from the pile. "That's one way to put it."

I gorged myself on another handful of popcorn, "Has Axel done mudery things?"

"You know," Jason cracked open his own bottle of beer, sharing a nervous glance with Jeneise. As Jeneise firmly returns his attention towards the TV, nervously draining the rest of his alcohol in deep gulps, Jason offers a nervous grin. "I think that's a question better answered by Axel."

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