3 (I don't know-)

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Hello gremlins so sorry to those that wanted it to be in season 6 it's going to be in season 7 now :D. The last chapter will be gone after this has been posted. Hope you have a good day/night and enjoy!

Grians POV

We were now traveling to a new season all the work we did will forever be here. I would have to visit my brothers after this- but that doesn't matter I got to make sure I don't forget my guitars. (In this au he plays the electric guitar and normal guitar to cope with the TrAuMa he also plays other instruments so- there's that.)

I take them off there mount as I put them in there cases why'll subtly glancing at all the parts of them to make sure nothing was broken. I also remembered that I will have to also bring my violin and my uke. I go up to a secret room and press a button and a door opens so I go in and look around.

It was my secret hang out room if I wanted a break. I look around for were I last put my uke and violin. I see them next to each other already In there cases. Past me was smart putting them in there cases. Now I gotta figure out how to bring them without suspicion-. I decided to just strap em on my back and Cary my violin and uke.

I step out with the uke and violin in hand. I remember I have this pretty small backpack but is huge on the inside. Kinda like a infinity bag but less big- because that is almost impossible. So I set down the instruments and go to find the backpack. Almost no one knows that I can play instruments only a few peeps know and there dead so-.

I continue looking for that backpack I finally found it. So I took it back to the instruments. I started puting them biggest to smallest. Because otherwise the uke would be crushed by the others.

I sip up the backpack as I put it over my shoulders feeling as it was a little heavy. if it was anyone else they would think it was really heavy. I was just really strong. I hear a ding come from somewhere someone was at the door.

I ran into the center of my base seeing mumbo in the middle of my base probably looking for me. With the backpack still on my shoulders I ran at him at full speeds because he was facing the other way. So I jumped on his shoulders standing on them. He jumped a lot making me fall of.

I started to laughing incredibly loud making him turn around and looked at me still spooked seeing his face made me laugh harder. I managed to get but was still giggling. I stop and look at him he had his normal suit and tie.

"Grian why did you do that, and why do have backpack on." He says still shooken. And I responded by saying "because I can and it has some stuff I need to bring." "I could carry it for you if it's heavy." "I-" I relise this is perfect so I say sure and take it off my shoulders and hold it out to mumbo.

He takes it with one hand thinking it was light. It drops to the floor and I hear a crack. But it's fine I'll just fix it later it has happened before so it doesn't really matter. "Why was that so heavy and I think I heard a crack." I laughed "because there's heavy stuff in there and don't worry about the crack" I say as I picked up the bag easily. He looked shocked that I could do that so easily.

I smiled mischievously and started walking towards he looked scared and started walking backwards but I was faster so I came up to him and picked him up like by his brachialis. (Kinda like the bicep but lower down.)

And I threw him a few feet making sure he was fine because I don't want him dying. (If you die it's hardcore so-.)
I pick him back up and make sure he's standing before saying "good luck with that." And I shoved him out the door-.


Cliffhanger:D it was longer then my others but still hope you liked it and Goodbye:)

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