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Decided to change my font so- yea here's some headcanons only some of them because of plot-.

He sometimes hears voices but brushes it off.

Has seem some messed up shit like Sam killing tartuis.

He actually killed Sam because of anger and using his admin powers.

When he killed Sam that's when he figured out that he had powers.

One of his parents where a admin and the other were a Avain.

He didn't pick up most of the Avain features but he did get wings, in rare cases claws if angry enough also has instincts but not as strong as other avains.

Avains are a rare hybrid that they've have had a bounty placed on there heads for people too make there feathers into stuff and also to expirment on them.

That's it for headcanons for now but now I gotta leave. Bye!!!!!! You gremlins.

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