chapter sixteen

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Harry Potter was not at their first period, Potions, either.

Neither were his friends, Granger and Weasley.

Draco didn't care, however; Potter was no longer his concern.

His phone buzzed in his pocket suddenly, and he looked down to see a message from Blaise.

they found potter in the woods

what was he doing there?
is he alive?
how do you know??

calm down, it's alright
he fell asleep there, it seems, and  one of his saintly friends found him.
i know because i'm currently in the hospital wing, too.

why are you in there?

didn't feel like coming to potions so i used the nosebleed nougats
those weasley twins were geniuses

what's happening with him now?

come find out yourself
pomfrey'll do her nut if she spots me on my phone

Blaise didn't send any further messages after that, and Draco made a frustrated noise under his breath.

Bloody Potter.


"Harry, do you have any idea how foolish-"

"Who the hell falls asleep in the woods under a bloody invisibility cloak? Are you trying to kill yourself?-"

"Can you imagine what would've happened if not for the Locatio spell we learned?"

Harry accepted the scoldings from his friends with a wince.

"Sorry, guys," he said. "It was irresponsible, I know."

He turned to his best mate. "Ron..."

The ginger boy flushed. "I'm sorry about the whole thing with Draco, Harry."

The boy on the Hospital Wing bed shook his head fervently. "Don't be! I'm sorry, mate, I've been a bit of a prat lately, but I'll make it up to you, I swear."

"We've all had our fair share of behaving like a prat," Hermione said with a smile. "Of course Ron forgives you."

"Totally," Ron nodded in agreement. "Honestly, we're just glad you're okay and one of those horrid spiders didn't find you."

Harry grinned, but his smile dimmed considerably when he saw something over Ron's shoulders.

"Malfoy," he said, heart beginning to pound faster at the sight of the blonde, and not with joy.

"Potter," Malfoy replied in kind. "A word?"

He looked pointedly to Ron and Hermione. Surprisingly, Ron was the one to gently take Hermione's arm and tug her away while explaining it all to her in whispered tones.

"Took you long enough," called Blaise's voice on the other side of the Wing.

"Up yours, Blaise!" Malfoy yelled, before getting out his wand and casting a Muffliato.

"How do you know that spell?" Harry asked with furrowed brows.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Snape was my Head of House, Potter. Of course he taught me a few tricks."

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