chapter three

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hjevans: wow, this dude H sounds like a real dick

lucidM: he really is. walking around with his pompous group of friends

lucidM: one of them watched me get beat up today

hjevans: that's terrible! why did you get beat up?

hjevans: and well, at least he didn't participate

lucidM: oh no, H would have his head

lucidM: because then he couldn't uphold his saintly image

lucidM: if his best friend is going around beating people up

hjevans: if they're so saintly why do they dislike YOU?

lucidM: ...

lucidM: because i was a bit of a dick to them, too

hjevans: a bit? pfft.

hjevans: i'm smelling more of a rivarly than bullying, here

lucidM: bullying?! absolutely not!

lucidM: what gave you the impression of bullying of all things?

hjevans: oh, you know, how you said they get into fights with you

lucidM: WITH me. i am also participating in them!

hjevans: awww... do you get hurt during them?

lucidM: no.

hjevans: what about when you got beat up today?

lucidM: they did get my jaw real bad...

lucidM: but you know what would make it better?

hjevans: what?

lucidM: a kiss.

Harry jolted upright in bed, clutching his scorching cheeks as he clasped a hand over his mouth in shock. Was... was he flirting with him?

hjevans: really? and who would give said kiss?

lucidM: oh, you know

lucidM: a guy named evan would be ideal.

He was flirting with him! Damien was flirting with Harry! He could barely suppress his squeal as he sent his next message.

hjevans: well, luckily there's one right here

hjevans: where do you want your kiss, damien?

lucidM: oh, i'm not fussy

hjevans: how about your cheek?

lucidM: i'm sure anywhere you kissed me would heal me as quick as magic

At this, Harry furrowed his eyebrows... did he know something?

hjevans: ah, magic, you say?

lucidM: yes... something wrong?

hjevans: oh no, nothing.

lucidM: anyways, it's a little late, isn't it?

lucidM: you should go to bed

hjevans: and what about you?

lucidM: but if i go to sleep, who's going to write the latest chapter?

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