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A story of reincarnation.


Not everyone can live forever. Not even gods. Nor ghosts. Everyone has a set time, where they leave and return in another life, or world even. Just like waves on a beach. Waves are pushed forward by the wind and eventually pulled back, returned to the body of water. Back and forth.

Modern days has come and the belief of gods was dwindling quite quickly. Gods became weak. Less of an influence. Less powerful. Some gods made desperate attempts to reclaim their reign but to no avail. The mortals turned a blind eye and resorted to mathematics and scientific facts to explain their hopeless endeavors.

Xie Lian, however, never tried. He knew mortals were stubborn to convince. It was ok. He had lived thousands of years with the one he loves. It was a matter of time that their time has come. He knew that this couldn't last forever. He came to terms with that. However his husband unfortunately and troubles with that.

Hua Cheng knelt next to his husband that was lying on their bed, weak and frail. "San Lang?"
He called meekly. "Yes, beloved?" Hue Cheng said with much attentiveness.

Whatever he needed.

Whatever he wanted, he was ready to give.

He hated seeing him like this. He couldn't help because his god said not to try anything. The god told him that they have lived long and it was fated to be. He really denied that his highness will pass- He couldn't bare it. But after caring for the bedridden god for days, he as forced to come to terms.

"Do you...do you believe in reincarnation?" Xie Lian finally said.

"Yes. I do, gege. I believe the universe give life and takes it, but instead of making new souls it would often recycle old souls. Like how the water cycle works." The ghost traced a shaky circle on Xie Lians palm.

"Ah...yes. A very good example. I do believe too...I believe I'll see San Lang again...in another life, or world..." He said gently.

Hua Cheng's vision blurred, tears traced down his face. "We'll meet again, gege. I promise I-I'll always find you- always, gege, I promise." He sobbed.

"Ah...it's ok San Lang- it's ok." He weakly caressed his hair.

They held each other close. Silent tears flowed between the both of them.

"San Lang...your ashes...I won't stop you..." Xie Lian said lightly, sniffling a bit.

Hua Cheng looked in confusion and concern. Xie Lian understood and clarified.

"At first, I planned that... that right before I...pass...I'll prevent you to do anything to your ashes, and have you live on without me...but...This one remembered San Lang saying, life without me is painful...I don't want San Lang to be in pain...so I won't stop you from destroying your ashes." He finished holding on to his necklace close to his heart.

Hua Cheng couldn't stop tears from flowing. "...Thank you- I-I can't live without Lain-er- I cant- I-" Xie Lian held him tightly. "Shhhh, I know, love, I know...it's ok..."


The night Xie Lian passed was when he was peacefully asleep. He never slept while his husband was ill. He need to take care of him at all times. Hua Cheng felt his breath slowly disappear.


No no no no no!

Is all he thought.

He kept calling his name as if he was expecting an answer even though only silence accompanied him. Tears upon tears filled his eye and cheeks- he tried to stop them but the sobs and hiccups only worsened. He hadn't cried this hard since the hundred swords that pierced his beloved and all he could do is watch.

He felt helpless.



Hours passed on like years for him and he found that he was still weeping but tears ran dry. He cried till he couldn't cry anymore.

He wiped his eye, trying to clear his vision. There he gazed at his lost husband one more time. Slowly he reached to his neck and grabbed the beautiful silver ring. He kissed the gods forehead and finally, several cracks where heard in the palm of his hand.


Hua Cheng was currently in the library on his day off from work. He had a dream from the night before about a god and a ghost that felt too real to be a dream.

He decided to see if reaserching Chinese mythology would help.

He found a good book about a tale that was told to children hundreds of years ago- sometimes still told today- about a god and a ghost finding each other even after all the world had thrown at them.

He felt familiarity in this story. Was he possibly told this as a small child? He wonders-

"Ah, I find that a beautiful story. Truly beautiful that they find each other after all those years. But the tale in that book is usually told to children, im pretty sure it was written a lot more lighthearted for them." A man said, that looked to be browsing next to him. Hua Cheng felt a sense of deja vu looking at his face, long hair, and his white turtleneck.

"Oh I'm sorry! Did I interupt you?" He smile sheepishly.
"Not at all. Are you familiar with Chinese mythology?" Hua Cheng asked.

"Ah, yes! I found it very...interesting ever since I was young." Xie Lian said with a polite smile.
"Oh! Where are my manners! I never introduced myself, my name is Xie Lian." Xie Lian raised his hand to shake, Hua Cheng did the same.

Xie Lian...Xie Lian...that name made Hua Cheng feel warm inside. "You can call me San Lang." He said, no one else calls him that, but he felt the urge to gift him that nickname.

Xie Lians hand stiffened mid shake and fell silent. "San- San Lang?!" He looked up wide eyed. Xie Lian looked dazed as of he was recounting memories.

Hua Cheng looked confused but his face immediately changed when the sound of Xie Lian saying his name echoed in his mind. "Gege..." He said subconsciously, as if his soul spoke more than his body. "Gege!" He repeated with more recognition, his flooding memories nearly gave him a headache.

Xie Lian quite nearly tackled Hua Cheng to the floor, hugging him. "San Lang found me!" He cried happily.

"I did promise, gege." He wrapped his hands around his waist.

"Took you long enough, it's been years!" Xie Lain pulled away and placed his hands on his hips, pouting. "Ah my apologies your highness I should have started searching the moment I was born." Hua Cheng playfully bowed.

They both burst out laughing. The two got kicked out of the library for being too loud, which just made them even more hysterical, nudging each other telling them to be quiet.

They are now standing outside the library, gigging.

"Haha...I'm glad I found you again, beloved." Xie Lian put a soft hand on his husbands shoulder. "I am too Lain-er." He leaned in and pressed his lips against his. Xie Lian returned the gesture quickly, he missed this. They missed this. But it was worth the wait. They will always come back to each other, no matter how many lifetimes.

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