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   Xie Lian and Hua Cheng where on their way to help a family with building their house. A family of two young adult siblings just moved to the puqi village to tend to their grandfathers care.

  He was growing older day by day, and the family became worried about how he was maintaining himself after his wife unfortunately passed away. The two siblings had insisted to take care of him so their parents won't have to lay off from work.

Unfortunately when they got to said house, it was old and rickety. The walls where torn, the wood was buckling and warping with age, the roof was nearly no longer a roof, It could nearly be deemed unhabitable.

Of course the grandfather denied that he needed help and that his living conditions was fine, but in spite his grandchildren came to his aid whether he liked it or not.

"Ah! We couldn't thank you enough, Daozhang, Xiao Hua!" A young woman bowed politely. Her brother followed in suit.

"Ah, it is no trouble. We tried to aid your Zufu before but he was very...stubborn." Xie Lian looked to the side where his husband stood and smiled warily. Hua Cheng gave him an encouraging smile.

"That is him alright, the old fart wants no one's 'pity'" The young man put up air quotes. His sister nudged him. "Shao Lei! Be nice when speaking of him!" She hissed in a whisper, Shao Lei rolled his eyes.

"Ah, apologies! I have asked of your help but we haven't introduced ourselves! I am Duan Liu. This is my brother, Shao Lei." She bowed once more and gestured to his brother.

"Nice to meet both of you." Xie Lian bowed back.

They where inturupted by a voice coming from the old house. "Thought I told you I don't need help! I'm fine just as is!" He put both hands on his cane and huffed.

"Yeye clearly that your house is falling apart as we speak! We don't want the roof to collapse over you!" Shao Lei said in exasperation.

"I do not have use for any of you- Especially those two! I do not trust those kind of people!" The old man grumbled.

Hua Cheng pinched the bride of his nose silently, his husband gave a comforting hand on his shoulder. They had a similar encounter with him before, they of course where hesitant to arrive, but Xie Lian wanted to help as much as he could.

"Yeye- what do you have against cultivators?!" Duan Liu questioned, already frustrated from his complaints.

"I have nothing on cultivators, however the god they worship- Pah! Disgusting!" The two siblings looked at them in confusion.

Xie Lian smiled faintly, Hua Cheng brought is hand down from his face and explained. "Our god, he is married." He sighed.

"Oh that's not a-" Duan Liu was cut off.

"To a man." He finished. Xie Lian flushed a bit.

They fell silent to prosses the words. "Oh." Duan Liu said dumly.

"Well if Yeye is disapproving of them wait until he hears about Dua-" Shao Lei's sentence was cut short when he yelped. Duan Liu stomped on her brothers feet. "Keep your mouth shut will you!" She flushed in embarrassment. Hua Cheng snickered at their sibling shenanigans.

"Back away from them, I don't have any trust on those cutsleeves! They have no right to even walk on the earth!" The old man said in protest.

Hua Cheng opened his mouth, about to tell him off. "You-" Xie Lian held his hold on his husband and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "San Lang. Darling, it's ok, don't mind him."

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