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Xie Lian and his husband were simply holding each other, basking in morning sunlight.

They where brought here because Xie lian had woken up in the middle of the night from a night mare. He dreamt that his beloved had burst into those beautiful silver butterflies once more in his hands.

He could not handle another loss. Another year. Or years.

Hua cheng lightly shook him awake and held him tightly as he cried and clung onto his red night wear. Hua cheng knew what he dreamt, this situation was not uncommon for them.

"San Lang...never leave...please- please my San lang." Xie lian voice was broken and weary from sobbing so hard.

"I'm here gege, I'll never leave your side." Hua cheng said in a shaky voice as he kissed the top of his head.

Of course these kinds of nights were not easy for him either.
He had never seen so much distress in his beloved until that day he broke his shackles. And they've been through many anguished circumstances.
Nothing concerns him more than his husband. His god.

Hua cheng rubbed circles on Xie lians back and hummed a lullaby. The lullaby that originated from the kingdom of Xianle. A lullaby for children as a reminder that doleful, an dreary days were as temporary as grey skies and cold winters.

The language might be a bit different from the dialectic in this region, and others may not completely understand what is sung when Xie lian hums and mumbles the lyrics subconsciously while he runs errands and collect scraps, but the two lovers understood the meaning. And sung it together or to one another if the other is upset in any way.

Xie lian soon calmed down to light hics and sniffling. Hua cheng stopped singing and brought Xie lians face from his chest to look at him.

"Is gege feeling better?" He wiped his tears away. "En...thank you San lang..." Xie lian before would usually say sorry for crying all over him or just for being a 'mess', but this night however, Xie lian thanked him for his presence. Hua cheng heart warmed from that change. "Anything for his highness." Hua cheng kissed him softly. Xie lian hummed, feeling spiritual energy flow into him.

"Does gege want to go back to sleep?" Hua cheng cupped his husband's cheek. The ghost king didn't really need to sleep, and neither did his god now that his shackles are off, but they both loved the feeling of drifting off in dream land in each others embrace. So they have a routine to bathe, change into sleepwear and cuddle till they both fall asleep.

Xie lian shook his head. "No...can we take a walk?" Hua cheng nodded and dressed them in proper attire with one wave of his hand.

They simply roamed the paradise mansion, lost in a deep conversation. They nearly never run out of things to talk about. When they do comfortable silence lies apon them. Or silent communication such as sqeezing ones hand, playing with their hair, gazes- the list goes on.

They soon wandered outside to the mansions garden and sat down on the soft grass under a tree that bloomed lovely white flowers. Xie lian looked up to see millions of glowing stars in the night sky. Hua cheng copied his movement.

"Ah...the stars a beautiful tonight, San Lang." He spoke softly. "En...just like gege." Xie lians heart raced and heat rose to his cheeks. Never in his long life will he ever stop reacting to his husband's sly remarks, and Hua cheng knew it.

Xie lian sighed, "I was going to say 'not as beautiful as you' but you won that race..." Hua cheng and Xie lian looked at each other with faces tinted in a hue of pink. They both burst out in a fit of giggles.

"It must be true great minds think alike then" Hua Cheng added when their laughter died down. Xie lian hummed at that.

The god looked back up at the stars and moved to lay down on the grass. He looked back at his husband. "Come lie down with gege, my love." If Hua cheng had one, his heart would have skipped a beat. He lied next to his husband and looked at the stary sky. His god cuddled up to his and rested his head on the ghosts chest.

The couple had named constellations and made silly new ones all throughout the night, and basked in the sunlight throughout the morning. Xie lians worries from the previous night has dissipated, his beloved will be by his side and he will be by his. With Hua Cheng beside Xie lian, he will never forget that is such a simple thing to be happy.

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