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It was a beautiful partly cloudy day, spring has just begun to seep its warmth to thaw out out the rest of the snow resting on earth.

Xie Lian had to wake up early for a meeting at the heavenly court. The gods husband groaned when he felt warmth moving away from his cool body. "This one apologizes, San Lang, I have to attend to the meeting." Xie Lian stood up after he kissed his beloved's forehead. "Prays that Gege will return soon?" Hua Cheng groggly sat up to look at his husband. "Of course, as soon as I can."

Xie lian walked to their shared closet and grabbed a robe that was gifted by Hua Cheng. It was just like his simple white cultivator robes, but it had beautiful silver butterflies at the end of the sleeves and at his feet. The butterflies look translucent and blend into the white very well but in sunlight, they wake with a simmering sliver hue.

Hua Cheng smiled lazily when he saw his lover wear the robes more often. When he gifted it, Xie lian nearly blew a fuse, asking how much he spent on it. His husband was very independent and considerate of other people. He always thought that 'there was no need to pamper him.' But eventually he gave in and let his husband spoil him from time to time, and Xie lian would spoil his San Lang just the same with his love and admiration.

Xie lian started to remove his nightwear but he stopped his movements and gave out a soft 'Ah.' Hua Cheng corked an eyebrow. "Hm?" He was curious why he had abruptly stopped.

Xie lian waved his hands and in a flash his nightwear disappeared and his new favorite robes replaced them.

As a rusult of living with limited powers for centuries, he had forgot that he could do daily chores with much more ease.

"I forgot this was more convenient" Xie lian lightly chuckled. Hua cheng smirked. "What a shame, I was looking forward to seeing gege with his clothes off." Xie lians cheeks rose in temperature, and shook his head. "Shameless." They both stewed out in small giggles.

"Haha, ok I must go now San Lang." He sighed and called rouye to rest in his sleeves. "I trust San Lang will be ok?"

"En, this one will be fine." Hua cheng gently grabbed Xie Lians hand and brought it to his lips. Xie lian blushed and smile at him lovingly. Hua Cheng saw Xie Lian out and gave him a final kiss goodbye.

The meeting was a drag, it wasn't even new news. Just the same thing over and over. It would be so much better with his San Lang next to him. But it's ok, he had a butterfly on his shoulder, so he didn't feel completely alone.

The meeting was almost over, possibly about 30 more minutes before they are dismissed. By now Xie Lian had zoned out, petting the silver butterfly that flew to his finger. It was funny really, when the butterfly moves at least an inch the officials flinch or stand guard. But Xie Lian thought these creatures where absolutely adorable.

After a while he noticed the butterfly made distressed movements, as if it were ready to fight or protect. This concerned him and immediately wondered if his husband was ok. The god abruptly shot up from his seat and said a whispered "Excuse me." He went to quickly leave but he was stopped by someone calling him.

"Where are you going Xianle?" Emperor Jun Wu, demanding an answer. "I must tend to my husband." Xie Lian said simply as he held his polite smile.

"Nonsense, sit back down, we have much to discuss." Bullshit, he thought instantly. "My apologies, but it's quite urgent." He placed his husband's butterfly on his shoulder and gave it a little pat, his smile unwavering.

"He can wait, we have more important matters to tend to." Xie lian, had enough. His smile widened eerily. "Are you implying that my husband is less important than your mundane and inconsistent meetings?" The officials sat with stunned faces. They hadn't seen Xie Lian this upset before, it was much more nerve-racking to see the scrap god hold a smile while talking with such venom behind it.

"That is no way to speak-" Jun wu started to retort but he was cut off. "I must leave. Have a nice day." He bowed and left.

Xie Lian swiftly made it to ghost city in search for his husband.
Finally he spotted him close to the gamblers den with three mid ranked ghosts that seemed to be ganging up on him. He looked pissed.

"Ha! Such a sorry excuse for a ghost king, have you all heard that he married a god?!" One of them stated to the rest of the gang.

"Pah! A real king doesn't settle down like that, the bastards gone soft!" The leader said.

Hua cheng rolled his eyes. He was only there because they had the audacity to challenge him and he was amused by their ignorance.

One of ghosts laughed and raised a sword at Hua Cheng. Before the ghost could swing, Ruoye grabbed onto his wrist. So tightly that the sword made a loud clank when it reached the floor.

"I'm sorry, this old god might be losing his hearing, would you mind if you repeat back to me what you just said to my Husband?" Xie Lian smiled uncannily. Ruoyes grip slithered up the ghosts arm and got even tighter. Hua Cheng nearly melted onto the floor seeing how protective his husband was."I-I-" The mid ranked ghost stammered.

"Oh come on you pussy, that's only his husband! He's too innocent, he won't bite!" The second ghost stated once he saw his ally stutter. He charged at the god in attempt to set his friend free but failed miserably when Xie Lian stepped to the side and tripped him. And tied him down with Ruoye as well

"Gege, your early from your meeting, what brings you here?" Hua Cheng was curious but definitely not complaining, seeing his beloved earlier than intended. "Your butterflies looked upset. I came to see if you where alright. Are you?" Xie Lian asked with concern, ignoring the other ghosts taunts in the background.

"This one is well, they had only got on my nerves." Hua Cheng spoke truthfully. "Ah, good to hear-" Xie Lian was cut off by a ghost. "Oh now here comes his spoiled husband to the rescue, are you really that much of a puny bitch that you can't do your own dirty work? Truly undeserving of a husba-" The leader of the ghosts taunt was cut short when Xie Lian punched him square on the nose with godly strength. The ghost was blown blown back a couple of feet with a shattered nose. At this point civilians in ghost city stood in shock of his highnesses actions.

Xie Lian smiled widely and creepily. "I'm sorry for inturupting your sentence, would you like to finish?" He spat. The ghost held his nose "You bastard- how dare you-"

Xie Lian grabbed his collar, his smile dropped instantly. "No, how dare you. Clearly you have nothing better to do than to call your friends over to mock and harass my husband." The god spoke with power, just like the demanding prince he once was.

Hua Cheng had never ceased to be amazed by his god. Seeing his beloved defend him with such possessiveness, nearly killed him once more.

The ghost looked down and saw the necklace. Hua chengs ashes. He smirked and quickly reached for it. Xie Lians eye widened, he frantically stretched out a hand. "E-Ming!"
E-Ming came flying to Xie lians hand and he quickly severed the ghosts arm off. The ghost screamed in pain. His friends that were still tied by Ruoye called out his name. Xie Lian grabbed the ghost by his hair. "Touch him in any way and you'll never see the light of day." Xie Lian said coldly. The ghost stuttered and gasped in terror. Never once he thought how powerful this god could be. Xie Lian has much more power than what he likes to present. The ghost was going to plea and cry for mercy but was stopped after feeling a swift swipe of a blade to his neck.

Xie Lian turned to the two ghosts. They both flinched, possibly thinking that they are next. Ruoye released the two and the god threw their friends head for them to catch.

"Do whatever with what you have left of your friend. I don't want to see either of your faces again, or you'd be in his position." Xie Lian smiled at them. They both flinched and ran away as fast as they could.

"Gege, my savior!" Hua Cheng exclaimed playfully. Xie Lian looked back at him, and shyly chuckled. "Sorry San Lang I knew you could have handled them on your own." Hua Cheng shook his head "There's no need to apologize, I'm happy to play the role of a damsel." Xie Lian giggled and walked to him. "Then may this one carry his damsel home?"

"Of course." Hua Cheng smiled and wrapped one arm around his husband's shoulders so he can pick him up.

Xie Lian easily picked his husband up and started to walk home. Ghosts cheered and whistled at the couple as they passed by.

From then on its known that the terrifying Lord Hua Cheng has a just as fearsome husband that could tear you apart with a smile.

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