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~Thirteen. ~

The day of Qui-Gon's funeral came.

Alexana had changed out of what she typically wore simply out of respect for Qui-Gon, knowing that she owed it to him to dress her absolute best and look the part that she had. Padmé had brought in the tailors and such that she used, and they had made her a dress that was completely out of her comfort zone. But, surprisingly, even with her wounds, she still felt comfortable wearing it. It had a corseted torso and the skirt flared out before falling to the floor and the sleeves went down to her wrists. She also wore a black cloak with the hood pulled up and covering her head out of respect for Qui-Gon and her hair had been braided and then pinned back into a bun at the base of her head.

She stood close to the front of the group, near Obi-Wan and Anakin as they all stood around Qui-Gon's burning body on the pyre in front of them. She was doing her best not to cry as the tears threatened to break free and, the longer that they stood before the burning body, a single tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. Wiping it away as quickly as she could, she glanced over at Anakin as he light tugged on Obi-Wan's sleeve as the drums that were being hit in the background finished sounding and doves were released into the air. She looked back over towards Qui-Gon's body should have been and she let out a saddened sigh when she saw that he was no longer there.

"He is one with the Force, Anakin. You must let him go," Alexana heard Obi-Wan say and she looked over to him as the others began to leave.

"What's going to happen to me now?" Anakin asked and Alexana could hear the tears in his voice.

"The Jedi have agreed to let me train you. I am your Master now," Obi-Wan said to him and Alexana smiled when she saw the relief and happiness on Anakin's face. Tilting her head suddenly, Alexana looked over at Master Windu and Master Yoda as they spoke up.

"There is no doubt that the mysterious warrior was a Sith Lord," Master Windu said to Master Yoda, who thought for a moment before he spoke up.

"Always two there are. No more, no less. A Master and an Apprentice," he said and Alexana bit down on her lip as she quickly turned away from the pair as Master Windu looked towards her, crossing his arms.

"But which one was destroyed? The Master or the Apprentice?" Master Windu asked, and Alexana bit her lip.

"Alexana!" she heard Padmé call out and Alexana looked back towards her before she hurried after her. Before she could reach her however, Obi-Wan reached out and took her arm, stopping her. Frowning in confusion, she looked at him for a moment before she looked towards Padmé as she called out again.

"I'll be just a minute, Your Highness," she called out in return and Padmé nodded her head before she began to walk away. She looked back at Obi-Wan as he continued to stare at her curiously. Looking around them, Alexana sighed before she changed how he was holding her arm and made him let go.

"Not here," she said to him before she turned and led him away from the funeral pyre.

Alexana led them through the building that housed the funeral pyre and back towards the gardens and lakes that were nearby. Stopping in a clearing that had a fountain in the middle as well as chairs scattered about, Alexana walked over to the nearest one and sat down on it heavily, letting out a breath as she did. She then looked up as Obi-Wan moved and sat beside her and she frowned when she saw that he was looking at her with concern.

"You're not coming back to Coruscant?" he asked her, and Alexana pursed her lips before she looked down, taking his hand in hers.

"No, Obi-Wan...I'm not," she said to him quietly as she looked back up at him.

Woman of the Fallen: A Star Wars Fan-Fiction.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن