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~Twelve. ~

As the two Jedi drew and ignited their lightsabers, Qui-Gon's being blue and Obi-Wan's being green, Alexana watched as the male before they drew his own and ignited it as well, holding it out in front of him. Alexana watched as two blades came out, one on either end of the handle and her eyes widened slightly before she drew her own. She could feel all three men watching her as she ran her finger over the ignition button before she pressed it, igniting the blade as more blaster shots began to fire off behind them. She saw the male's eyes widen as he saw the colouring her blade before he ducked as she used the Force to throw something at him and their fight began.

Alexana did her best to remain out of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's way as she wasn't the Jedi out of the three of them. Yes, she had been trained in the ways of a Jedi, but she was the only person, in the entire history of the Jedi once it had been formed and made its base of training on Coruscant, to be rejected but still trained in their ways. She had been taught separately to the other Younglings, having been kept separate except for when it was sparring days as they needed to train against someone who wouldn't fight against them as a Jedi. And that was what she did.

Ducking as the male swung his blade at her, Alexana kicked out at him, hitting him in the stomach as Qui-Gon thrust at him with his lightsaber. Alexana spun out of the way and allowed Obi-Wan to move forward now, the pair of them having worked out a way to fight together that worked well with the way that Qui-Gon fought as well. Having done this before against others that would fight them either individually or together, the trio had managed to make one complete style of fighting that worked together or individually. She cursed as she was forced backwards by the male before she ran after the three men as they ran further into the building, towards the power generators.

Alexana reached the fight once more as the male attacking them, who she figured was a Sith Lord now by the colouring of his lightsaber blade, leapt up onto a platform above them and she muttered a curse. Giving herself a shake of her head, she watched as both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan leapt up after him, one landing in front of the Sith Lord and one behind him before they began attacking again and Alexana leapt up after them as he forced them further and further into the building. She winced as she was swung at, the very tip of one of the lightsabers grazing her arm and she stumbled slightly before she saw Obi-Wan go over the edge.

"No!" she shouted but before she could go and help him, she was forced to take his spot in the fight, dodging and defending herself to the best of her ability as the Sith Lord brought her into the fight now as well.

As they fought, the Sith Lord forced them further and further into the building and Alexana's eyes widened as she realised that he was leading them into a hallway with electrical beams that acted as walls, separating each section of the hallway. She followed after Qui-Gon as they both battled the Sith Lord, hearing Obi-Wan running as fast as he could to catch to them. Pushing the Sith Lord back and away from them, Alexana's eyes widened before she grabbed Qui-Gon's shoulder and forced him back with her as the electric beams sprung to life, separating them from the Sith Lord and each other as Alexana stumbled over her own feet, putting the electrical wall between the Sith Lord and Qui-Gon and then Qui-Gon and Alexana.

Alexana panted heavily as she watched the Sith Lord tap the electrical wall with one end of his lightsaber and it disengaged. Her own hung at her side as she watched this before she glanced at Qui-Gon as he disengaged his as well before kneeling down and beginning to meditate. She heard Obi-Wan curse behind her, and she glanced back, seeing him several sections away and she shook her head as he stood there. Looking back at Qui-Gon, Alexana did the same thing as he did, though instead of kneeling and meditating, Alexana disengaged her lightsaber and placed a hand on the wall beside her. Closing her eyes, she listened and reached out with her abilities, listening out for the moment that the walls were going to come down.

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