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~Eleven. ~

The trip was mostly uneventful for Alexana.

She spent the majority of the flight back to Naboo getting her arm and shoulder to cooperate with her once more in the cargo hold of the ship, making sure to have her lightsaber on stun when she used it as that was what she was going to need the mobility for if she used it. In the back corner of the cargo hold, she had set up a make-shift workout area for herself with the softer bundles of cargo acting as a punching bag and setting up certain other crates with a big red mark on it to function as a target for her to practice shooting on. Each time that her shoulder would pull and twinge in pain, Alexana would stop for a moment to regain her breath and composure before she would continue with her training.

She stood at the back of the group that had gathered within the Queen's chambers as they drew closer to her home. She knew they weren't far away now as she had tapped into the ship whilst she had been training, using the chance to hone in her abilities with regards to technology so that she wouldn't have to always be touching a piece of technology with her hands to focus in on it. Clasping her hands behind her back and hiding a wince as her shoulder pulled, Alexana focused on the conversation that was being had in the room.

"The moment that we land, Your Highness, the Trade Federation will arrest you and force you to sign the treaty," Captain Panaka said to the Queen, who was watching them all with a rather emotionless expression on her face. Alexana tilted her head as she examined the Queen, watching her carefully now as she listened to the conversation.

"I agree with the Captain. I am not entirely sure as to what it is you hope to accomplish here," Qui-Gon said, and Alexana saw a flicker of pride appear in the Queen's eyes briefly.

"I am going to take back what is ours," she said firmly and both the Captain and Qui-Gon exchanged a look.

"There are only twelve...Thirteen of us, Your Highness...We have no army," the Captain said as he glanced back at Alexana, as if he sensed her raised brow at his statement.

"And I can only protect you. I cannot fight a war for you," Qui-Gon said as Alexana watched the corner of the Queen's lips twitch slightly before her eyes turned off Jar Jar, who had been standing surprisingly silent near Alexana at the back.

"Jar Jar Binks!" the Queen called, and Jar Jar jumped in surprise at being addressed.

"Who? Mesa, Your Highness?" he asked as he stepped forward slightly, raising a hand and pointing at himself.

"Yes," the Queen began to say as she smiled, and it was the first time that Alexana had seen a genuine emotion on the young royal's face. "I need your help," she finished saying and those in the room exchanged glances curiously.

The meeting finished roughly twenty minutes later and a planned had been formed. They would find and locate the Gungans and ask for their help with defending the planet as the Gungans had an army. The Naboo only had a security force, men and woman trained to defend the Queen, Royals and Senators of the planet. Once they had landed, Jar Jar was going to go to the Gungan city and ask for a meeting with the Bosses to discuss the treaty between the two peoples. Alexana made her way to the cargo bay once more and immediately went back to her training.

The ship eventually landed near the outskirts of where the lake was that house the entrance to the Gungan city, landing in a large clearing that was big enough to house the ship and keep them covered from any nearby droids. Alexana helped the troops on the ship begin to unload what they had before she stopped as she saw Obi-Wan walk over to Qui-Gon, who was standing near the edge of the clearing and staring into the distance. Tilting her head some, she wandered over slowly and silently, wiping her brow as she went.

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