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~One. ~

Alexana stretched as she stood up from her seat.

After speaking with the Jedi Council and going back to her room for a brief moment to collect her weapons, which consisted of blasters, knives, and a lightsaber, she, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had set off to a cruise ship to be taken to a command battleship to negotiate with the Trade Federation about their occupation of the planet of Naboo. From what she remembered of her readings about Naboo, the Naboo were a peaceful people and a peaceful planet. No one typically went near it violently. So the fact that the Trade Federation had decided to occupy the planet was not normal. Walking into the cockpit to find out how close they were, Alexana arrived in time to see them slowly moving towards the main battleship in front of them.

"Captain," Qui-Gon said, drawing the Captain's attention. "Tell them we wish to board immediately," he said, and the Captain nodded her head before turning back to the communication and speaking with the Trade Federation. As this happening, Obi-Wan turned to Alexana now.

"Are you ready?" he asked her in a whisper, the hood of his cloak up just like his Master.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Though...I'm not going to be saying a word. I'm just here," she said, remember what she was instructed to do by the Jedi Council. They had asked to speak to her after the two men left the room and she had been instructed not to say a word unless she was spoken to by the Trade Federation members.

A few moments later, the cruise ship docked within the battleship and the trio exited the ship, all three of them with the hoods of their cloaks up and covering their faces. Alexana's cloak was different to the two Jedis as she had more weapons to hide than they did. Where they both simple had their lightsabers to hide, Alexana had a wide collection of blasters and knives she needed to keep hidden. She also had her own lightsaber, which she very rarely used as, just like Jedi Master Mace Windu, the blade of her lightsaber was a very distinct colour. Where the lightsaber blade of a Jedi was typically a green or a blue in colour, with the exception of Master Windu's being a brilliant shade of purple, Alexana's was golden in colour, matching the colour her eyes went when she used her abilities too much. She avoided using it as much as she could, not wanting people to know she was trained in the Jedi arts as she wasn't a Jedi.

Alexana followed the two men off the ship where they were greeted by a Protocol Droid named TC-14, who guided them through the battleship to a meeting room where they were told they could wait for refreshments and for the Trade Federation leaders to begin the negotiations.

"I hope you honoured sirs and madam will be most comfortable here whilst you wait. My Master will be with you all shortly," TC-14 said before she turned and exited the room. The moment that the doors shut to the room, all three of them removed their hoods and Alexana adjusted the braid that she had put her hair into, so it now sat at her back rather than over her shoulder.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Obi-Wan said as Alexana walked over to the window that took up the back wall of the room.

"You always say that," Alexana said as she glanced back at him and bit back a chuckle as he pulled a face at her.

"I don't sense anything at all," Qui-Gon said in a calm voice and Alexana looked back out the window.

"Its not about the mission per say, Master. It's something...Elsewhere. Elusive," Obi-Wan said and Alexana frowned before she reached out with the Force to find out what he was talking about. Sure enough, she felt it and a shiver ran down her spine, but she hid it quickly, not wanting them to know she had felt it too.

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