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~Six. ~

Alexana leant against the wall that acted as the railings of the balcony outside the back of Anakin's home.

Once they had left Watto's shop, Qui-Gon and the others had all returned to Anakin's home and Anakin had begun working on his Podracer. As Padmé, Jar Jar, and R2-D2 had gone to help Anakin work on his Podracer, Alexana had remained upstairs, on the balcony and was watching carefully. Qui-Gon had wandered out sometime later and was standing beside her when the commlink went off again and he spoke with Obi-Wan. Alexana didn't listen in this time until Obi-Wan spoke up with a very important question that was on her own mind as well.

"What if the plan fails, Master? We'll be stuck here for a very long time," Obi-Wan asked and Alexana looked over as she felt Qui-Gon look at her as well. She met his gaze and raised her brow, wanting to know the answer herself.

"A ship without any power isn't going to get us anywhere regardless. There is also something about this boy..." he said, and Alexana frowned before she looked down towards Anakin. Qui-Gon was right. There was something about this boy that just drew people to him. There was also something...Else...Shaking her head some, Alexana looked over at Shmi as she walked out onto the balcony as well and looked down at her son.

"You should be proud of him," Alexana said to her gently and she nodded her head.

"He gives without thinking of getting anything else in return," Qui-Gon said as he came over, having finished his conversation with Obi-Wan.

"He knows nothing of greed. He has..." Shmi said before trailing off and Alexana gave her a warm smile.

"He has special powers," Qui-Gon said and Shmi nodded her head, keeping her eyes on her sone.

"Yes..." she said in a small voice and Alexana reached over, placing a hand on her arm gently and reassuringly.

"He can see things before they happen. That is why he appears to have such good reflexes. It's a Jedi trait," Qui-Gon said as he looked down at Anakin, who was working on his Podracer with Padmé, Jar Jar and R2-D2 helping him.

"He deserves better than a slaves life," Shmi said, and Alexana gave her arm a gentle squeeze.

"You both do, Shmi," she said to her and Shmi glanced at her briefly before returning her attention to her son.

"The Force is unusually strong with him," Qui-Gon said as he walked over to stand beside Shmi and Alexana now. "Who was his father?" he asked, and Alexana felt Shmi stiffen at the question.

"You can't just ask something like that, Qui-Gon..." she said to him in a whisper, and he glanced at her before turning his gaze back to Shmi as she straightened her back.

"There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth to him, and I have raised him. I can't really explain it," Shmi said as she sighed before she turned and gave Qui-Gon a very stern look. "Can you help him?" she asked, and Alexana could hear the hope in her voice.

"I'm afraid that I can't. Had he been born in the Republic; he would have been identified sooner and he would have become a Jedi much earlier. There is no doubt about that with the way that he is. But I'm afraid that it's too late now. He's too old," Qui-Gon said, and Alexana frowned as they all turned to watched Anakin as he worked on his Podracer. Alexana saw Qu-Gon leave out of the corner of her eye and Shmi hung her head.

"If he can think of a way to help either of you, Shmi, he will do it," Alexana said to her as she lightly touched her arm again. Shmi looked up at her before she nodded her head.

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