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~Ten. ~

Alexana looked out at the view before her as she waited on a balcony in the Jedi Temple.

They had delivered Anakin to the Jedi Council for testing and Alexana had watched the boy go with somewhat of an apologetic look in her eyes. She knew exactly what it was like to be under the scrutiny, standing there in the middle of the half-moon circle of Jedi Master, all staring at you and watching, waiting for a mistake. She felt sorry for Anakin. They'd gotten much harsher in their selection of who would become a Jedi. Lifting her head from where she had looked down, Alexana closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

"The boy won't pass the Council's tests, Master. You know this. He's far too old," she heard Obi-Wan ask and she opened her eyes before glancing over her shoulder towards them.

"Anakin will become a Jedi, Obi-Wan. I promise you that," Qui-Gon said, and Alexana frowned as she turned slightly to face them.

"Don't defy the Council, Master. Not again," Obi-Wan said as he glanced towards Alexana, and she frowned as she held his gaze as he looked at her. What did he mean by again?

"I will do what I must," Qui-Gon responded, drawing Obi-Wan's attention away from Alexana and her frown deepened.

"You would be sitting on the Council by now if you would just follow the Code, Master. They will not go along with you this time," Obi-Wan said to him and Alexana watched as Qui-Gon turned a stern gaze on him.

"You still have much to learn, my young apprentice," Qui-Gon said as he glanced over at Alexana, who gave him a confused look. Before she could say anything, Qui-Gon turned away from them and began to walk away. Frowning deeply, Alexana walked over to stand beside Obi-Wan before she nudged him.

"What was that all about? What did you mean by 'not again,' Obi-Wan?" she asked him, and he glanced at her before looking away.

"Don't worry about it, Alexana. Come on. They're probably done with the boy's test," Obi-Wan said as he began to walk away and Alexana frowned, wincing as her shoulder pulled and she reached up, rubbing it.

Frowning, Alexana shook her head before she looked forward and began following Obi-Wan as he led the way back towards the Jedi Council's tower, the sun slowly setting in the distance. They reached the Jedi Council's chambers shortly after that and before long, Alexana, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were all standing before the Council. Seeing Anakin looking more nervous than she had ever seen anyone before the Jedi Council, Alexana moved over to stand with Anakin, placing a hand on his shoulder. He glanced back at her and gave her an appreciative smile before they turned their attention to the Council as Master Yoda spoke up.

"Correct you were, Master Qui-Gon," he said and Qui-Gon looked at Anakin with a proud expression on his face.

"His cells certainly contain a high concentration of midi-chlorians," Master Windu said, and Alexana glanced down at Anakin with a small smile.

"See?" she said in a quiet voice, only loud enough for him to hear and he nodded his head before turning his attention to Ki-Adi as he spoke.

"The Force is strong with him," he said, and Alexana glanced over at Qui-Gon as he looked at them.

"He is to be trained then?" he asked, and Alexana frowned as she felt the energy in the room change and she watched as the other Jedi Masters of the Council look at one another.

"No. He will not," Master Windu said, and Alexana felt Anakin's shoulders slump before shaking slightly and she knew he was crying silently. Quickly reaching down, she handed him a small cloth so that he could wipe his eyes before anyone else could see it.

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