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~Two. ~

Alexana muttered under her breath as she tripped over the root of a tree and into a large pool of water.

When the ship she had been on had landed, Alexana had snuck out as best she could, though she probably snuck out a lot better than the two Jedi on theirs as she could manipulate the electrical workings on the ship so they wouldn't see her or sense her at all. What she hadn't been able to avoid once she had gotten off the ship had been their visuals. Ducking as a blaster bolt flew over her head, Alexana glanced over her shoulder before she looked forward and started running again.

She ran through the swampy forest as quickly as she could, drawing her blaster and firing a couple of shots off to either distract or destroy the Battle Droids that were coming towards her on their gliders. Taking out several of them before realising she'd managed to get rid of her tail, Alexana stopped running and doubled over, resting her hands on her knees as she breathed heavily for a moment. Once she had calmed down again, Alexana stood back up and thought for a moment. Closing her eyes, Alexana reached out with the Force, doing her best to locate where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were. Locating Obi-Wan first, Alexana opened her eyes before she sighed and ran in his direction, shooting one of the droids after him when she got close enough. Ahead of her, she saw Qui-Gon speaking with some form of humanoid being before he ignited his lightsaber and deflected the droids blaster bolts back at them, destroying them. As she reached the pair of them, Alexana looked at Obi-Wan as he panted from all the running.

"What happened to your lightsaber?" she asked him and Obi-Wan looked at it sheepishly. Realising what had happened, Alexana pursed her lips so that she didn't laugh.

"Sorry Master. The water fried my weapon," he said, and Alexana turned away to let Obi-Wan receive the lecture they'd both gotten several times before.

"Did you forget to turn the power off again, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked and Obi-Wan nodded sheepishly. "It shouldn't take long to recharge but I hope you have learnt from this, Obi-Wan. A Jedi's lightsaber is what helps them be a Jedi. It is what keeps us alive," Qui-Gon said and Obi-Wan bowed his head.

"Yes Master," he said, and Alexana turned around in time to realise that the humanoid being Qui-Gon had been talking to had joined them.

"Yousa sav-ed my again," it said, and Alexana frowned before gesturing to it.

"Who or what is this?" she asked Qui-Gon, trying not to sound rude.

"A local. Come on. We'd best get on the move before more of them find us," Qui-Gon said and both Alexana and Obi-Wan nodded their heads, Obi-Wan hanging his lightsaber on his belt and Alexana holstering her blaster once more before they followed along after Qui-Gon as he moved in the direction that they needed to go.

"Mure! What do yousa mean mure?!" Alexana heard the local call out, but she ignored it and continued after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as they picked up the pace and began to run.

"Ex-squeeze me! But da moto grande safe place would be Otoh Gunga. Tis where I grew up. Tis a grand city," the local said and all three of them stopped and turned to face him now.

"A city? Can you take us there?" Alexana asked, speaking up before Qui-Gon could and doing her best not to feel guilty as he gave her a look.

"Ahh...Well...On second taut...No. Not willy, no," the local said and Alexana narrowed her eyes on him.

"What do you mean no?" Qui-Gon asked him, and Alexana saw them shudder some before speaking.

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