You Haoyu narrows his eyes but doesn’t say anything else.

From then on, the plot has taken a left turn on Batsh*t Ave. and Bananas Blvd.

Most of it was normal, but sometimes weird options pop up.

Anyway, thanks to the diligent work of Qin Ge and Shen Chen, the female lead has managed to reach rock bottom in favourability with B-kun. Zero events were triggered.

When the controller was back in Du You’s hands, the game is already ending.

[You have spent a peaceful year in ‘Äagen-Dasz.’ No new encounters, no love, as mundane as your life has always been. In the graduation ceremony, you look just like another tiny speck among the crowd
When you look at the student council president giving his speech up there, you can’t help but think, if you could do it all over again…]


Immediately hitting a BE route in their first playthrough makes Du You furrow his brows [It seems like it’s difficult]

The system is puking up blood – difficult my arse. If it were playing, it could get an HE blindfolded!

They restart the game, this time going through the president A’s route.

[You’ve joined the student council. The moment you step in you realise that it is practically an organisation at the beck and call of the student council president alone; everyone else are just doing as he orders or ‘general affairs.’
In one meeting, a girl was scolded to the point of tears for a minor mistake. You stood up to defend her, while voicing out your dissatisfaction to the situation in the student council.
A-kun’s gaze seems to have changed; he did not punish you as you might have expected.
At the end of the meeting, A-kun had you stay behind alone. Then, step by step, he forces you into a corner, and pushes his arms forward to encircle you.
With a broody expression, he says, “woman, trying to catch my attention? I will tell you, that you have succeeded.”
So you…]

[A. Feel utterly flustered and unable to flinch]
[B. Push him away and run away in a panic]
[C. Kick him in the balls]

The system spews its coke out.

Even though it was incapable of physically drinking.

System [Isn’t this option even worse than that one B-kun had?!]

This time the controller is on You Haoyu’s hand. His face twitches as he immediately picks C.

[A-kun stumbles backwards, trembling. He tries his best not to change his expression, but his cold sweat on the forehead has sold him out.
You stomp out of the meeting room harrumphing.]

Shen Chen “…”

You Haoyu hands the controller over and raises one brow, “you thought that was sexual harassment? This is sexual harassment.”

Qin Ge smiles without saying anything.

In the end, the student council president A-kun’s path also ends in a BE.

Now it’s time for the junior C’s route after the first two.

[You were already aware of the popularity of junior C before you joined the Art Club. He’s an excellent painter, he’s handsome, he’s cold…
But after you actually came to know him, you realise he’s completely different from the rumours. If nothing else, he is especially clingy to you inexplicably, perhaps even to a mentally abnormal degree.
You and B-kun are classmates. Today the two of you were on duty so you both stayed late.
You hurry your way to the art classroom after that, to find everyone is already done and gone except junior C.
He does not immediately come cling to you like he usually does when he sees you. Instead, he stares at you silently.
You take a step forward, but before you can say anything, he grabs you by the wrist and pushes you lightly onto the podium.
“Didn’t I tell you not to look at anyone but me?”
Hearing that, you…]

I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love PolygonWhere stories live. Discover now