Chapter 3 (Rewritten)

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            "You really see me that way?" She doesn't respond as she stares at me. I sigh. "Please let me give you a ride. I'm harmless, I swear."

            She bites her lip and as I stare at them, I find myself wetting mine.

            "Fine." She says. "But if you try anything...."

            "You can trust me." I put my hands up in defense.

            "We'll see."


            I follow Marco to an old bulky grey van covered in graffiti. I pull the handle to the passenger side and it doesn't budge.

            "It's locked." I say as he walks to the driver's side.

            "I just have to open if from the inside."

            He climbs into the truck and reaches over to unlock my door. When it opens

I climb inside. It smells fresh due to the air freshener that hangs from the rearview mirror, but empty chip bags and soda cans litter the back seats.

"So where do you live?" He asks as he pulls out of the parking spot. I reluctantly give him my address, hoping he never decides to rob my house later on. "No way!"


"That's my neighborhood. I live just a few streets down from there. Strange how we've never come across each other."

How long have I been living right around the corner from Marco Millet? How many times has he looked at my house and contemplated robbing my family of everything we own, and selling it for his own gain?

"Do you mind if we make a stop?" he asks me. "I need to get something from a friend at the skate park. It's on the way home."

I shrug. "I guess it's alright."

I stare out the window as we ride in silence. I can't believe I've ended up in a situation where I actually have to rely on Marco of all people. Would walking have been so bad?

Marco pulls into the parking lot of the local park where the skate park is located. I can feel his gaze on me, but I don't look his way.

"You can stay in the van if you want." He finally says. "Or you can come with me, your choice." He climbs out of the van and I follow suit. Who knows how long this may take. I'd rather not sit alone in a van with nothing to do.

I walk a few paces behind Marco as we approach the skate park. Skaters use the different ramps to attempt and pull of tricks. I wince as one of the skaters attempt a trick and fail, face planting on the concrete.

"Hey Justin." Marco says, drawing my attention to a guy with spiky blonde hair and green eyes. He and Marco shake hands and my eyes are immediately drawn to the toned muscle on his arms. "You have my board?"

"Yeah." Justin reaches behind the bench he sits on and picks up a skateboard. "Here." Justin hands the board off to Marco and suddenly his eyes come up to meet mine. "Who's this?" he smiles.

"This is Bailey." Marco introduces.

"Nice to meet you." He puts out his hand to shake mine and I quickly do so. "I'm Justin. So are you two dating or something?"

"No." I say quickly. "Of course not." I think I see Marco flinch but I ignore him as I keep eye contact with Justin. "Do you also attend Kennedy High?"

"No, I go to Mercy Hills High."

"Our biggest rivals!"

"Go bulldogs!"

I Fell For A Gang Member [EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt