"Alex! What are you doing?! Get out now!" Sam yells at me.

I only get to look up for a second before the truck doors slam closed. I run to them and yank on the handles but nothing happens. Suddenly the engine starts. Shit.

"Sam!" I bang on the doors and yell out.

Sam looks at me with pity before running off with the others. What a dick. But to be totally honest, I didn't expect anything else. In this world, you have to look out for yourself, because no one else will. And why should they? I'm not worth anything to any of them besides a "pretty face perfect for distracting".

I watch as the van I'm trapped in leaves the warehouse and drives off to God knows where, completely helpless to stop it. I decide to sit down and revel in the fact that I'll probably be dead in a few hours.


The van winds down seemingly endless streets for what feels like hours. The tall buildings and countless pedestrians make it obvious that we're in the city. We're driving so fast that all I can see out the window is a kaleidoscope of colours. It almost makes me dizzy until we finally slow down. The van turns into the underground parking lot of a modern-looking skyscraper with clouds engulfing the highest levels. The parking lot is unexpectedly empty. Maybe it's a private parking garage? Before I can ponder too long on the question the van doors slide open. Standing in front of me is a man with a large scar running over his right eye. An overly seen cliché in my opinion.

"Out," is all he says.

"Alright, bossy," I mumble.

As soon as I step out of the van, the man steps towards me. All I see is a fast swing of the man's left fist and everything goes black.

I wake up with a loud ponding in my head. I can feel my pulse in my ears and realise that I was probably knocked out by Scar Face. What an ass. I look around but nothing in this room helps whatsoever to work out where I am. All I know is that this large room, that smells slightly damp, is almost completely shrouded in darkness besides from a low-hanging single light bulb hanging over a collapsible table. On the table is an array of knives and some jumper cables. I feel a sudden wave of cold air and realise I'm shirtless. Thankfully my jeans are still on my body. I look up at the handcuffs around my wrists that are connected to a chain that runs all the way up the ceiling and accept that there's no way I'm getting out of them.

"Well look who's finally awake," a man says while walking to the table.

I didn't notice him a second ago but now that I'm fully conscious I also notice Scar Face from earlier lingering in one of the corners of the room. The new man is nowhere near as tall as Scar Face. In fact he's probably only a few inches taller than me. He has a scruffy beard and an average build. He is nothing special. One thing you do notice about him is that the whites of his eyes seem to be more yellow than white.

"And who the fuck are you?" I ask sassily.

"You got quite a mouth on you don't ya?" he asks while walking up to me and roughly grabbing my jaw. "Who I am is none of your concern. What is your concern is what I can do to these pretty teeth of yours."

He then let's go of my jaw and I step as far away from him as I can.

"What do you want?!" I scream at him.

"I want some information from you. The basics really. Things like who do you work for? Why do you steal our product every month? And anything else you think might be useful." He smiles.

"I ain't telling you shit."

He pouts over-dramatically. He picks up the jumper cables from the table and slowly walks over to me. He circles me once while observing every inch of my body. He runs the end of the clip along my back and the cold silver sends shivers down my spine.

"You know I've been quite excited to try out these new toys but it really is a pity that I have to destroy something to pretty," he squeezes my ass as he says this and I jump forward.

"What is wrong with you, you pervert!?"

He manically laughs and I give him a weird look.

"You're awfully brave throwing around insults when you're the one chained to the ceiling," he explains. "Although I do like your attitude."

He circles back around to stand in front of me. He runs one of his hands up and down my chest. He lingers when tracing over my nipples. I shiver in disgust but he doesn't seem to notice. In fact, he looks deep in thought.

"You know it really is regretful that I have to kill you today. I would much prefer to do other things to you. If only a boy so pretty as yourself was a prostitute, available to everyone, including myself. Although what do I know? Someone like you who has to steal to get by probably is a prostitute!" He laughs at himself like what he just said is the funniest thing he's ever heard.

I spit directly in his face and it hits him in the eye. That successfully shut him up.

"How dare you speak to me like tha-" I'm cut off when the end of the jumper cables are pressed to my skin.

A surge of electricity runs through my body. It feels like a metal poison flowing through my veins, splitting skin as it makes its way around my body. I scream out in agony and my legs give way. The only thing stopping me from hitting the ground is the cuffs tightly wrapped around my wrists. When the torture finally stops I'm desperately trying to suck air back into my lungs. Although some may consider me a criminal, I do not have the pain tolerance a criminal is expected to have.

"Are you ready to talk now?" He asks, readying the cables again.

"Yes! Yes! Just stop! I-I don't work for anyone, m-me and my group work alone. I-I can give you their names!" I explain.

"See now that wasn't so hard was it?"

He drops the jumper cables and puts his hands on my waist.

"That was much quicker than I anticipated. Looks like we have some time to spare."

His right hand travels down my body until it reaches the top of my jeans. He slowly pushes his hand into my pants but I feel paralysed. I want to shove him away or run but I can't. I can still feel the tingling of electricity throughout my body and it feels as though it has numbed my body. My limbs feel too heavy to move and my sight is slowly going blurry.

"STOP!", I hear a deep, authoritative voice but it fades into the background.

Nothing happens until I hear a gun shot. It sounds far away but I know it's not because the man's hand stops groping me and I hear a thud. A second later I feel strong arms holding me up. This doesn't feel the same as when the other man had his hands all over me. This feels like I can stop fighting and I'll be ok. But that's crazy, I've been kidnapped, I need to say alert. Although that seems to be becoming harder and harder. I look at the man holding me up as he releases my wrists but all I see is a blurry figure. I feel drunk. Like I know what's happening but I'm seeing it through misty glass. Like a movie on an old TV. I know the man is speaking to me but no matter how much I try, the words don't seem to make any sense. Slowly everything goes black and I can no longer hear any voices or feel the man's hands on me.


I apologise for how bad this chapter was but I promise it will get better and more exciting very soon.

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