«Chåptër 19»

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                                                              Questions continue to linger*

Williams POV:

I looked at the bloody knife in my hand. I grinned under the rabbit head. Joy burst inside me. I had just killed about two kids and oh, the joy it brought me. Looking at their weak dead bodies. Thank god the room was at the back of the restaurant where no one could hear. I was sure no one would find out about my dirty little secret. Maybe (Y/N) could, but I wouldn't risk it.

I sighed, still staring between the dead bodies and the bloody knife. I now had more stuff to make remnant. I chuckled. Children can be so stupid sometimes.

As I got ready to clean up the mess I made, I heard the door open.

'Shit!' I thought. 'Didn't I lock the god damn door?!'

"Hey Wi-" I heard a familiar voice from the door way.

I cursed under my breath and turned around to see (Y/N). Their jaw was dropped open. They started to loose consciousness and fainted.

'Dammit, (Y/N)!' I yelled in my head. 

I sighed softly and walked over to their unconscious body on the floor. I closed to door, making sure no one would suspect of anything going on. I lifted them up slowly, making sure not to set off the springlocks and put them on a metal table in the room. I quickly went and changed out of the suit and into my work outfit. Moving quickly, I cleaned up the mess I had done and looked back over at (Y/N). They were still passed out on the table where I left them.

I walked over to them and picked them up. I looked at their face. Somehow, they looked peaceful in a way. But, I then realized that they probably knew my dirty secret now.

I frowned and left the room to my office. I put (Y/N) down on the couch. I looked around my office to see if I had a blanket of some sort. I looked over at my chair and just found my suit coat. I shrugged, it would do. 

I walked over and got the coat, going back and putting it gently on (Y/N). I took one last look at them and decided to go do some paper work to pass the time.

I walked over to my desk and sat down, beginning to work on stuff. I guess that this keep me quite entertained for awhile because a few minutes later, Mike walked in.

"Dad!" Michael yelled, causing me to look up.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Yes Mike?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Have you seen (Y/N)?" He blurted, the young boy looking concerned.

I nodded. "Yes, they're on the couch over there." I pointed to the couch.

Mike looked over and seemed relieved to see (Y/N) there. Then, Mike looked over at me, distrust in his eyes.

"What happened to them?" He asked, acting as if I had done something them.

I shook my head and stood up. "They seemed to have been a bit stressed with stuff lately and a bit dehydrated. So, when they got to my office, they had fainted." I lied.

Mike took one more glance at (Y/N) and turned back at me, nodding. "Alright, see you father." He left, closing the door behind him.

I sighed, turning around and going back to my work. I sat down and picked up my pen. I decided to look up and see (Y/N). They were still on the couch but this time they were awake.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up on a couch, my head aching. I gained consciousness and looked around. Before I could do anything, a wave of nausea struck me. I looked around and ran to the nearest garbage. William, who was also in the room, came by my side to gently comfort me while I hurled.

I groaned, grabbing a tissue from William and wiping my mouth. "God, what did I have..." I mumbled, rubbing my forehead.

William continued to run my back. "Dunno, love." He chuckled.

I looked over at William, starting to grin with him. That was until the memories hit me like a train. I got up quickly and moved away from the murder. He looked up at me, confused.

"Stay the hell away from me." I growled, backing up from him even more.

He got up, starting to walk toward me. "What do you mean, love?" He asked.

I knew he was playing dumb. He knew damn well what I was afraid of.

"You know what I fucking mean!" I gulped, feeling my back hit the wall.

He chuckled and grinned like a madman, which he was one. "Oh darling, who would believe you?" he asked, stopping in front of me with his frame looming over me.

I started to shake and feel my heart race. Why the hell was I not that scared?! I felt my face heat up, looking at his features. His arms slammed by my head, his eyes cold.

"Now listen here, my dear," he bent his head down to my ear, breathing softly on my neck. God did this man know how to tease. "No one, and I mean no one, will hear about this. If you tell anyone, I will slit that pretty little throat of yours and make sure to hide your body so well no one will ever find it until your little body has decomposed." he growled lowly into my ear.

Chills went down my spin. My heart seemed to race so fast I felt that it would burst any second. My hand continued to shake.

"That understood?"

I nodded. "Uh...yes....uh sir." I scrambled through words. This man was making me a stuttering mess and he knew it.

His arms left from beside my head. He put them behind his back and nodded.

"You may go, love." His tone changed quickly.

I nodded, continuing to look at his face. Before I could stop myself, I quickly reached up and pecked a kiss on his cheek. I blushed and left the room in a hurry. I looked back at a speech less William. 

I sped walked out of Freddy's, ignoring the Afton kids. It hurt, yes but I wanted to leave quite quickly. 

I got into my car and started it, leaving in a hurry. On my way back to Henry's there were two questions on my mind the whole time.

1. Did know have feelings for William? And 2. Was my dream coming true?...


Ksdisojd I hate my U.S. history class but then again there's drama in there so you best believe I'm staying in the class.

I Will Always Hate You (William Afton X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें