«Çhåptër 13»

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»"Mom?..." I fell to my knees by my mother. I felt tears start to fall from my eyes, the light glistening the streak marks on my cheeks. 'What are you doing?! Go call an ambulance!' my thoughts yelled at me.

I quickly got up and ran to the telephone in the kitchen. I picked it up and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator on the other line asked.

"I need an ambulance at *******. The apartment is on the 5th floor at door 69." I explained quickly.

"Alright, dear. Please stay on the-" the operator was cut off by me hanging up the phone and running to my mom's lifeless body.

I sniffed, falling to my knees again and picking up my mother's dead body, hugging her softly. At this point, I didn't care about the tears running down my face. I just wanted my mom to be alive and comfort me.

Not long after the call, the paramedics had arrived. They went into the apartment and I let them know where I was. They went to my mother and checked her pulse.

"She still has a faint pulse running. We need to hurry to the hospital now. We could save her." The paramedic said. 

They put my mom on a stretcher thing and went to the ambulance quickly. I was running behind them, and got into the ambulance. I held my mom's hand, praying that she could have a chance to live. We quickly arrived at the hospital and they took my mom out into the hospital. I was trying to follow them, but they wouldn't let me.

"You may wait in the waiting area." A paramedic said, cleaning some stuff.

I nodded and went inside, trying to find a phone somewhere. I looked over to the front desk and saw someone there. I quickly walked over to the person.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked the guy at the front desk.

"Oh, yes?" He looked up from his computer.

"Uh, do you happen to have a phone around here?" I asked, fidgeting with my finger with tears still in my eyes.

"Yes, we do. Just right over there. If you need anything else, let me know." He said with a smile.

I nodded and smiled back at him. I walked over to the phone on the wall and picked it up. I started to dial Henry's number.

"Hello, Henry speaking," Henry answered.

"Hey Henry..." I said, starting to feel tired.

"Oh! Hello Y/N, why are you calling?" He asked.

I sniffed, feeling a tear run down my check as my thoughts tried to catch up with the events happening. "My mother's at the hospital." I blurted out.

Henry paused, "I'm coming over there with Max." He said, concerned. He hung up the phone and I put the phone down in its place. 

I sighed and walked over to a chair to sit in. I sat down with my mind racing with thoughts. Was my mom going to be ok? Is she actually gone? If she is, who would take care of us? Max and I's father left years ago. Has mom planned out who would take care of us? Specifically Max, since he was still a minor. I started crying again at the thought that I could lose my mom and be left without a parent. I sniffed, wishing this was all a dream.

"That dream I had..." I whispered under my breath.

The dream, where I saw my mother's lifeless body on the floor. Next was Max, who looked like he hadn't took care of himself. Then...the part with me and William. 'There's no way I become a murder in the future...' I thought, becoming sick. 

I Will Always Hate You (William Afton X reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon