«Çhåptër 25»

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                                                          Revenge and confessions*

»I clenched my jaw and my hands immediately balled into fists. Max looked over at me and ran behind me and William. I stepped forward a bit. I looked at him. He looked the same. Dirty blond hair like Max's and the same eye color as mine. He was starting to grow some grey hairs but I could care less.

"(Y/N), it's been-" the old fucker started, but my anger boiled inside me and I ended up punching him hard in the face. He hissed at the pain, his hand immediately flying to his jaw. Henry and Emilie both gasped.

"Shut the fuck up! You left us, you fucking left us! You are the reason mom died! Your the reason why she developed heart problems! You fucking dumbass! I hope you die a slow, painful death and end up in HELL!" I screamed, letting all my anger out. Hot tears of anger were streaming down my face.

William ran closer behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug. I ended up crying into his shoulder, gasping for air. 

"You have a lot of guts coming here again, (D/N)." William hissed, venom lacing his words.

My father looked down, disappointed. Max came over by me, starting to cling to me. I lifted my head up and left William's embrace. I pulled Max into a hug, sensing that he was stressed.

"Listen, I know I messed up in the past but-" my father started saying but I cut him off.

"If your trying to apologize, it's not going to work." I hissed. 

My father was taken aback by this, but shut up. I told Max to go upstairs and he obeyed. I looked over at the bastard that was my father. I stood closely to William, who was also pissed off with him. Emilie and Henry stood a bit further away from the ugly scene.

"So," I started, pausing to control my anger. "Why did you leave?" I asked, a bit less angry now.

My father sighed. "Please let me talk now," he pleaded. "Thank you. Now, I left because I got all stressed with your mother being gone at college and having to take care of you and Max. I also had work, which was also a lot of work." He explained.

The anger that I had earlier was back now. How could he put all the stress on him. Doesn't he know mom was also stressed? Plus, he could've just called his parents, who lived in central Utah. 

"So, can you please forgive me? Please, it has haunted me for years." He begged.

I shook my head. "No, I will never forgive you. Never. You don't get that closure." I snarled, leaving the heated conversation and going upstairs.

«later that night...»

It was around midnight and it had been a long day. After the fight with my father, I went upstairs and chilled in me and Max's shared room. Me and Max talked about random things for awhile and a bit about our little situation going on.

Around noon, Max went to a friend's house and said he was going to have a sleep over with her. I said it was fine, mainly because I wanted the room to myself for the night. No offense to Max of course.

I only went out of the room to get some dinner and there I still saw my father. William was sitting in the living room with a cup of tea giving my father a death glare. Henry and Emilie had gone and left for the rest of the day with their kids to go do some things. They wouldn't be back till the next morning.

Now here I was, in bed slowly falling asleep to the soft drops of rain outside. I didn't care that I was going to bed late even though I had work early in the morning. William told me that he was staying the night just to make sure I was ok. I didn't really care.

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