«Çhåptër 30»

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» I could hear only the crunch of the very light snow as I walked. A bouquet of blue flowers was in my hands. The graveyard was almost in my sight. I decided to walk to my mother's grave because I really didn't feel like driving. Plus, it was time that I got outside and walked once in a while.

I entered the graveyard, a familiar gazebo, that I have seen many times, by the entrance. I walked on the gravel road, light splashes could be heard from the rain snow mix. 

My nose was starting to get cold, along with the rest of my face. I didn't mind though. Visiting my mother was more important.

It had been eventful these past few months. Emilie left Henry, taking the kids with her. Henry was very depressed about it. I hated seeing Henry like that. Me and Max had been trying to help him. I wanted to take more care of Henry since Max had school to worry about and I wasn't going to stress him out. He didn't need that.

Clara had gotten custody of the kids and decided to live in the old house. I tried to help them out and see them but I knew Clara had a secret grudge against me. Although, it seemed that she was maybe shaking off that grudge and maybe trying to be make friends with me. Or at least not enemies for that matter.

I hadn't heard from William in a while. I started to think that maybe he wasn't coming back. Maybe he would be gone forever. It hurt to think that but I tried to look at the positive side. Key word: tried.

For me, I had become the new co-owner of Fredbears. Me and Henry were discussing opening up more restaurants and were in the progress of getting one made. I had saved up enough money finally to get a house. Not something big just enough space for me and Max if he wanted to be with me. I decided to by a little house that was quite far from other people and more close to the woods. I didn't fully live there, I was still mostly living at Henry's. But, once I saw that Henry was getting better I would fully move in and visit at least once a day.

And now to the present. Me sitting in front of my mother's grave. It was hard accepting the fact that me and Max didn't have parents anymore. But, life can be a bitch and decides to fuck you up sometimes. Once life saw that you were doing better, it takes it away. But, life wasn't fully heartless sometimes. I still had my younger brother. I still had Henry. I still had Ry even though I've been busy. I had a good job. But somehow if felt like something was missing.


"I knew I'd find you here."

A familiar voice said behind me.

I turned around to be met with a tired looking Henry. "Need something?" I asked, looking back at my mother's head stone.

Henry sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder. "No, I just didn't want you to be alone." He smiled, wrinkles starting to appear on his face.

God, why did he have to be so damn nice?

I sighed, looking back at him. "Thank you..." I mumbled, my voice a whisper.

He raised a brow, confused. "For what?" He asked, both confused and concerned.

"For everything. Letting me and Max stay at your place, supporting us through the death of both our parents, and so much more." I thanked him, my voice cracking a bit.

He looked surprised. As if he wasn't expecting it all to be a big deal. But it was a huge deal. He had supported so many people. Even if he was dying, he would still help people. He felt like an actual father to me. He was the one helping me know that family wasn't always based off blood. What makes people a family is love and the bond. And we had that. Me and Max bonded with Henry as if he was our father.

Henry hugged me, small sniffs coming from him. "Of course. You can always trust me to take care of you and your brother." Henry sniffed, his voice low.

I hugged back, melting into his fatherly hug. "Thank you...thank you so much, dad." I surprised myself at what I said at the end. I just mindlessly said that. I pulled away, searching Henry's expression. 

He had a huge smile on his face, tears streaming down his face quickly. "You and Max can call me that if you would like." He smiled even wider, if that was possible.

I smiled, hugging him again. I was glad I stayed back. I was happy. Everything seemed to be going right. It seemed like life wasn't going to make it worse this time.

Me and Henry pulled away from the hug, saying one last bye to my mom before going. I quickly put a kiss on my fingertips and put it on my mom's head stone. She may be gone now, but she'll be remembered forever.

Williams POV:

They was still here. Still in the same place. I watched them like a hawk. I just wanted to run to them and hold them forever. But the case hadn't been closed yet and the police were still looking for me. I couldn't risk it.

I don't know why I was so obsessed with them though. I felt such a connection with them. They made me want to be a good father. Maybe to redeem myself. God, what kind of power did they have?

I watched as they left the graveyard with Henry. They had taken their weekly visit to their mother's grave. Every time I saw them there I wanted to go and comfort them. It hurt to see them cry. It hurt to see sadness in those wonderful eyes.

I had also been watching the kids and how they were with Clara. They seemed to be doing alright. Wasn't sure how Mike was doing. Looked like he was getting some of my habits. I secretly hoped he wouldn't get the traits I got. That would end very badly.

It was pissing me off that Clara was trying to get close to (Y/N). I don't know why she was. Maybe Clara was going to try and make my love against me. Whatever Clara was trying to do, she wasn't going to succeed.

I sighed, starting to leave and go to my hiding spot. I was hiding in a small shed place that was far enough away that the police wouldn't think about going there. It was a long walk, but I didn't mind.

Once I finally made it, I opened the doors to be met with the pictures hung up of my love. There were pictures of them at their mother's grave, in their room, outside, at work, and all in between. I ,of course, didn't have some of them naked though. I wasn't a perv. I respected their privacy.

I sighed, walking over to a picture of them outside sitting on Henry's pouch reading a book. They looked at peace. They looked lovely. I could just smell their scent coming off the picture. It smelt so pleasant, so familiar.

"Oh my love," I sighed, my fingertips slowly brushing the picture.

"I'll eventually come back to you..."


Anddd this marks the end of the book. I would just like to take a moment and thank everyone single one of you for reading this. It means so much to me that people actually want to read this. You all mean the fucking world to me and I mean it. So again, huge thank you to everyone single one of you fucking wonderful people. 

~ love, J :)

(It's also crazy to think this book will be a year old in March. Like, how the fuck-)

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