«Chåptër 14»

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                                                                        What now?*

»I sighed, looking out the window. The sun was slowly appearing, some clouds in the sky. I was right, I hadn't got any sleep that night. My thoughts were swarming inside my head all of that night, causing a small headache. I felt like absolute shit and just wanted to stay in bed forever. But, I knew I couldn't do that, I had work and a younger brother to take care of. I remember all night wishing this was all a dream, wishing that I could just pinch myself and wake up. 

I sighed again and began to feel Max stir next to me. I didn't bother turning over to see if he was waking up. I continued to look out the window. It looked like it may have a chance of rain today, which I didn't mind.

I heard Max yawn. "Morning dork," I said, still looking outside.

Max stretched, "Did you not sleep last night?" He asked in a raspy morning voice.

I nodded. "My thoughts wouldn't leave me the fuck alone." I hissed, quietly.

Max sighed, pulling the covers off and sitting up in bed. "You know you could've told me." He said as I got out of bed and to my bag.

I shrugged, "You needed rest. Plus, my sleep schedule was fucked anyways." I said, getting out my clothes and ruffled Max's hair.

"Oi!" He yelped, jumping up from getting his clothes out.

I laughed, "Your hair was already mess anyways, dork. Anyways, I'm gonna go change," I said as I went out of the room to go change in the bathroom.

I got changed quickly and went downstairs. In the kitchen was Henry and Lauren. Henry was sitting against the counter with a mug, which I guessed was coffee. For Lauren, she was at the sink cleaning up some dishes.

"Oh, good morning," Henry spotted me and put his mug down.

I looked over to him and slowly made my way to him. "Morning," I sighed, going by Henry.

Lauren looked up from doing dishes and looked over at me. "How'd you sleep last night?" She asked, putting away the last dish and washing her hands.

I sighed, "I didn't get any last night. My thoughts were keeping me up." I muttered, yawning slightly.

Lauren dried her hands while looking at me with a worried expression. "I'm sorry, dear." she sighed sadly. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I sighed and gave her a hug back.

"Good morning, Max," said Henry. Me and Lauren pulled away from the hug and looked over to see Max entering the kitchen.

"Ah, hello Max. How did you sleep last night?" Lauren asked, leaving me and going over to Max. She gave him a little side hug.

Max sighed, "Fine, I guess." Max said, shrugging in Laurens side embrace.

Lauren left Max's side and went by Henry. We sat in comfortable silence for awhile, not knowing what to talk about.

"So, uh what is going to happen now?" Max asked, walking over beside me.

Henry took a sip of his coffee. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Max looked down at the floor. "I mean, our mother is dead and our father left us years ago. So, what do we do now?" Max explained, keeping back tears.

I looked over at him with a worried look and put my arm around his shoulders. He hugged my side like a small child.

"Well, (Y/N) would most likely take care of you now. But, they have already said they don't have the money for it. So, for now me and Lauren have decided that you may live with us for awhile. At least until (Y/N) can be able to take care of you both." Henry explained, adjusting his glasses.

I looked over at them with a grateful expression. "Oh god, thank you so much. This means a lot. I promise we won't be too much." I exclaimed, gratefully.

Lauren looked over at me. "Its the least we could do, sweetie. Now, Henry you must get to work." Lauren said, adjusting his dress shirt.

"Shit, work," I said, letting go of Max.

Henry looked over at me as he went to leave. "Oh, don't worry, (Y/N). You may take time off work for awhile." He explained, getting his keys.

"But...William," I sighed, knowing he would be bug me about it.

"Don't worry, he knows and sends his condolences to you and Max." He explained, quickly saying his byes and leaving for work. 

I sighed, going into the family room and sitting down on the couch. Max walked in and sat beside me. Lauren walked in slowly and stood beside the chair on the other side of the room.

"Well, the kids are at school and Henry is at work." Lauren started to say, breaking the silence. "So, we now have some stuff to discuss." She folded up a blanket and put it on the chair.

I looked at her with a questioning look. "What do we need to discuss?" I asked, leaning forward. Max leaned forward as well, also wondering what was happening.

Lauren sighed, sitting down slowly in the chair, crossing her legs. "Well, first is your mother's will. Since your father is no where to be found, you two will inherit her money. And, you also must clean out the apartment where you lived, since you don't plan to live there anymore." She explained slowly. 

Me and Max nodded, understanding that we did have to get rid of some of our mother's stuff. It still felt weird that we would be moving again. This would be our second time moving in the past month. Jesus Christ, we can get a break can we.

"Second, the funeral," She said, putting her hand on her knee. 

"Oh god dammit, I forgot all about that." I groaned, putting my head in my hands. Max looked at me and rubbed my back.

Lauren spoke up, "No need to worry, dear. I will help you with it. Come on," she smiled softly, getting up from her seat.

Max was first to get up and I got up slowly. We followed to the dining room and sat at the table. We all talked for a bit, Lauren saying some good places to have the funeral at and where to bury her. We had decided to just do it and a local funeral home and a graveyard not to far from Henry's. 

Next, who to invite. We didn't want many people there and just wanted it to be people our mother knew. So, we decided to invite Lauren, Henry, their kids, William, and my grandparents, if they could make it. I didn't really want to invite William, but Lauren made a good point that him, Henry, and our mother were close. 

I spoke up, "So, it's decided. Next Wednesday at 11am."


Quick A/N: so next week I won't post bc I'm going camping...again. and I won't be back until my birthday. So all that week I'll be busy and won't be able to post or work on stuff. Apologies for this again then again this will be good for my motivation and mental health I guess. But thank you all for reading and sticking around for this bullshit <3

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