«Çhåptër 7»

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                                                                Normal«?» Dinner*

» I sighed cleaning up the last table and leaning against it. It was about 6:30 pm and the place had just closed. I went to the janitors closet and put the blue rag away. I closed the door and left to go to check on the younger Aftons. They were pretty excited when they found out that I was going to have dinner with them and that made me happy. It seemed that they had already warmed up to me, even Evan. I entered the arcade and there was Michael playing a game while his siblings crowded around him to watch.

"What cha trouble makers up to?" I asked, approaching them and looking at the game Mike was playing.

"Hey! We're not troublemakers! Only Mike is." Elizabeth claimed with an evil grin on her face.

Mike looked away from his game and gave Liz a death glare. "Shut it, Lizzy. You talk everyone's ear off." Mike huffed and crossed his arm, abandoning his game.

Elizabeth put her hands on her hips and stuck her tongue out. "I do not talk people's ear off!" Elizabeth spat out. 

I went in between the two arguing kids with Evan by my side. "Oi! Stop this!" I said looking at the two siblings. Mike and Elizabeth just gave each other one last glare and looked away.

"Lizzy, Mike, are you giving (Y/N) trouble?" We heard William say from the doorway. Elizabeth and Mike both gulped and could tell they would be fucked.

I looked at Afton. "No, their not causing any trouble. It's just them being siblings." I said, shrugging. Mike and Liz looked up at me surprised that I defended them. Truth was I was too tired to deal with any bullshit.

"Hm, alright if you say so dear. Anyways, let's get in the car." He said, getting up from his leaning position on the door. The kids smiled and ran out of the arcade to the car.

I laughed a bit and started walking with Afton to the car. "I guess they really wanted to go home." I stated.

Afton shrugged. "I guess. Not sure why though." He questioned.

I just rolled my eyes. "Maybe because their kinda bored here during the day." I yawned at the end.

Afton huffed. "How could they be bored?" He asked and crossed his arms.

"I don't know, maybe because they get tired of it after awhile." I said.

Afton rolled his eyes. "Whatever, cupcake," he added a new pet name.

"Do you call everyone pet names, or do you just do it to annoy me?" I asked, starting to get annoyed with the names.

He hummed and thought for a moment. "Hmmm, both." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and opened the door with Afton behind me. The kids were already at the car, fighting about who was going to sit in shotgun.

"I'm oldest!" Michael protested with his hand on the car door.

Lizzy rolled her eyes. "Yea, but you always ride in shotgun. Give me a turn!" Lizzy stuck her tongue out.

Afton groaned. "Neither of you are sitting in front. (Y/N) is." He sighed, looking at the fighting kids.

Mike's eyes lit up. "(Y/N) is coming with us?" Mike asked, excited.

I laughed at his reaction. "Yes, I'm going to have dinner with you all." I smiled warmly at the kids.

"Mommy won't really like that. She never likes visitors." Lizzy mumbled.

Afton shrugged and opened the driver side. "Who cares what your mother thinks. Now get in the car, please." he said in a surprisingly calm tone. The kids got in the back and I got in the front. Afton started the car and we were off. It was quite quiet so I decided to turn on the radio. William gave me weird look at first but just sighed and continued going home. I turned on 'Sappy' by Nirvana. 

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