Gangsta Royalty

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Chapter 19

Hello officer how can I help?

We have two calls complaints stating they heard gunfire from this address  two shots? Haha oh my wife and I are looking at a gangsta movie sorry we just got married and we are celebrating officer's.

Do you mind if we look around? Of course not come in. The cops checked out the first floor everything was fine. Do you mind if we look upstairs? Sure they looked in the two empty bedrooms following the sound to the master bedroom.

The officer opened the door babyyyyy! She had on Al Capone a scene where they were in a gun battle.

August was but ass naked on all fours her pussy split open creating a soda pussy waterfall.

The first officer  smiled staring the older one snatched the door closed embarassed sorry ma'am.

Have fun on your wedding night man and congrats please keep the TV down there are some old folks around you that call for every little thing.

I understand sheriff thank you and goodnight. Cairo locked the door running upstairs August was shaky and afraid.

Why you showing my goods he kissed her chuckling Cairo why did they come after me? Baby this is where the trust comes in.

Be normal go to work and stay away from Morgan. She looked in his eyes oh god. Oh god.

August we don't have time for this pack your things and go to that address in Queens baby please. Where is this? My house baby please here are the keys baby please just go make yourself comfortable pretend to be normal come to work tomorrow you have to show up understood?

Yes baby go pack up take Victory and get out of here. Cairo helped her pack he helepd her to the car with the food she just got and all her belongings and whatever belonged to Santos.

If santos asks tell him the owner didnt alliw a roomate because he wasnt in the application let him belive it was because hes gay so you got this house from me when you get there text me okay? Yes baby.

Sleep in my bedroom the master with the bath go. She kissed him nervously driving off into the summer night Cairo watched her until he couldn't see her head light's.

Hello I need a maid I sent the location thank you. Cairo waited on the boardwalk of jones beach he saw the bus pull into August's driveway no lights nice and quiet.

He waited for the pickup from Dawoo's people they showed with two freezer bags of percs. This nigga Cairo smiled zipping the bags in his coat he walked to his car headed back to the prison with two hours to spare he was only twenty minutes away.

Cairo got a text your job is complete in a hour they were done with the clean up. He walked back in the prision one hour early.

The C.O patted him down handing him back the chocolate candy bars and the pills. Cut em off nigga.

The guard cut off the ankle bracelets Cairo how much on the pills? Nigga you don't want to get hooked this is the real shit out the hospital Dawoo got a pharmacy on lock.

I know man my back be killing me five a pill nigga. He took out $100 thank's Cairo. Don't come back next week cause then you either selling or getting high nigga.

Don't sell to no one in here cause the Warden need his cut and if you selling you're cutting his money not me Dawoo and Spider.

I will inform him. It's for me man. Okay don't nodd out on ya shift either these fools can sense a opioid addiction a mile away. I got you Cairo.

Text that nigga tell him run me my bread. He walked to Dawoos cell passed him the pills and the $100. What's this? Security I'll call you. He kept walking Ashley locking him in.

The Therapist Entanglement 12  When Doctor Patient Privilege Has No Limits©Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora