Late Nights

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Chapter 4

Can you talk? Cairo? Yes. You have to stop calling its crossing professional lines.

Do you want me to stop calling? August was quiet. I won't tell if you don't. You look like you can use a friend, and God knows I can use one. How about I quit get another job then we be friends without consequences.

Haha, you'd do that me, Doctor? I'd do that for me. Haha, okay, love the honesty. Do you know how many counselors and guards are having relationships with the inmates?

One of them is secretly married to one, and the other has a baby with one. There is one who is marrying as soon as he comes home they are gay. Santos? I'm not a snitch doctor.

It makes sense think of you all spend forty to sixty hours a week with us it's not unusual relationships, and friendships won't build it's only natural.

So what are you going to do when you come home? Open my business and go back to work. I own a cable station. I want to get that up and running.

I also purchased a few stations from Roku before they blew up they are offering to buy them back now at a nice penny. How many stations are Cairo?

I bought twenty of them at $500 each back in 1996 when no one knew who or what they were. Wow. They want to buy a block of ten back mostly because I'm not using them. So sell ten keep ten.

I plan to put them up for auction with an online IT auction house. They sell radio stations, solar panel stock, and unused TV and cable stations. I'll get more that way, opening the market to foriegn purchase Doctor.

May I ask a personal question, Cairo? Sure. What happened to you?  Someone close to me was in trouble, and they needed my help. I helped it was i take the charge of attempted murder or they do. I took the charge. Myself attorney got me a ten flat because the jury was conflicted they felt i had to do it. A case of him or me.

I'm a black man in America so they wasn't gonna let a nigga walk didn't matter I hold two degrees from MIT. They had to make an example of me they gave me a dime with parole in eight. I should do the dime them I'm out free and clear.

Why would you want to stay any longer then you need too? I told you I have nothing to come home to Doctor.

Nothing or no one? No one thank you for helping clarify that Doctor. Why are you alone?

Who says I'm alone Cairo? It's a speculation I'm nor proud but I've dated married women and when they are home with a husband they don't speak as relaxed as you are now.

That's because you and her were hiding an affair your'e my patient and I'm your Doctor there's a difference.

Guess what? You get to come to group this week. I don't speak in group I keep people out my business do you think we can have a cup of coffee in the chapel? How? And why coffee? I like gourmet coffee. What kind? Hazelnut Doctor. Will Dunkin Donuts due?

Starbucks. Ohhhh starbucks okay on one condition you speak at group. How about you clear coffee and donuts for group and say you'll have them every week as long as there is dialog.

You know that may work Cairo. Don't but the coffee made by the grains and ask the chef to make it the Warden will say yes if it's the beans vs. The pre-made coffee.

Thank you Cairo. Buy them dunkin buy me Starbucks in your personal thermos during our session's deal?

You have a deal Cairo. Goodnight Doctor. Goodnight.

It was ten and Morgan was not home August called his office hello? Morgan? Yes darling. When are you coming home? A hour you know we are fighting a death penalty case. I left your dinner in the oven.

Thank you honey I'll be home soon goodnight August. Goodnight.

We have to stop the late night's Lucia. It's your fault not wanting to use hotel's because they leave a trace Morgan.

You love me Lucia? Alway's Morgan.

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