This Time It Will Be Me

Start from the beginning

" Not Alistair the smart one " I said getting a bit irritated.

" But you're holding me " she giggled.

" No you're not the smart one you're the dumb one " I yelled.

" Put me down " she said acting like she's hurt and I put her down.

I put her down and she ran upstairs.

" I don't give a fuck " I said to myself.

" You're an asshole " someone said from the kitchen.

I walked over there to see Emmett on the floor cutting up sausages with a butter knife.

"And you're a brat. Put that shit down. Don't you know you're not supposed to play with knives? " I said to him.

" If you made us breakfast. I wouldn't have to be doing this. " he said as he continued to cut the sausage up.

" Hey I said stop. You stop " I said then grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

" Don't touch me " he said as he pulled away from my grip.

I watched as he stormed upstairs.

" Why do kids have to be so stupid? " I said.

Night Fall

9 pm

I was on the couch watching the avengers and eating popcorn.

I was laughing and enjoying the movie.

Then my phone rang.

I sighed and looked over at it.

* Ezio Diaz. FaceTime Video *

" Shit " I yelled then jumped out of the couch.

I ran upstairs and searched the kids room as the phone rang.

They weren't there.

" Where the fuck are they? " I shouted through the house.

I have no choice but to answer the phone.

" Hey Brother " I said with confidence.

" Hey, How's everything going so far? " he asked.

" It's going fine " I said.

" Well, let me see my kids " Ezio said with a smile.

" We are actually playing hide and seek right now so after I find them. I'll call you back " I said.

" What? No Emilio I specifically said lights out at 8. Why are the still up? It's 9 pm in Italy " he said.

" Relax brother we are just having fun " I said.

" I heard Emmett. I'll call you back brother " I said then hung up.

I began looking through all the rooms in the house but the kids were just not here.

I went back downstairs, grabbed a glass and poured myself a drink.

I quickly downed the shot.

I yelled as I flung the glass. It smashed into pieces as it hit the wall.

" Where the fuck are they " I yelled.

" Calm down cowboy " Rage said and I looked at the top of the stairs.

" Can't find the kids? " he asked as he walked down the stairs.

" This is typical of you. You care about nothing but yourself, it's always been like that. You only care about yourself and Ezio might have forgotten who you are but I didn't forget. I didn't forget one bit. " Rage said as he poured him self a drink.

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