Chapter 35: Haunted By Them

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Peters breathing starts to go heavy. Tears are threatening to spill as the memories of his tortures start to play in his mind.

"Peter please take deep breaths or I will allow Karen to call Tony" Mj threatens.

"I-I-I ca-can't!" Peter stutters.

"Yes you can. You've done it a million times, you can do it again" Mj encourages just as the door swings open to reveal Chris, Todd and Leo...great.

"Awwww the freak is having a panic attack!" Chris bursts out laughing making Todd and Leo chuckle.

"This classroom isn't even being used for first period. Get out!" Mj demands, not leaving Peters side as he's still trying to breathe properly.

"I don't think we will. What's the freak panicking about? Awww are you upset your hopeless little ass got kidnapped? That was last year man! Get over it!" Chris scoffs.

"If you don't get out I'm telling a teacher" Betty pulls the teacher card.

"Do you want a new makeup look on your face?" Chris snaps back.

"Le-leave them a-a-alone" Peter stammers, slowing down his heart rate by a beat.

"And he can't even talk properly! How pathetic!" Chris barks out.

"Dude just get the fuck outta here. No one wants you in here" a voice says from behind to reveal Flash and Ned standing beside him looking worried at Peter.

"And the other two nerds have arrived" Chris rolls his eyes.

Peter let's out a dry cough, tears streaming down his face. His breathing is still not right but it's slowly getting there. Chris is just not helping with the already added panic. The bell rings and Peter flinches hard, flying his hands up to cover his ringing ears.

"Great! Now you made us late!" Todd blames.

"You don't even have to be in here in the first place. Just leave already" Flash pushes past them with Ned rushing behind.

"I can't get another tardy" Leo claims.

"Fine, we'll leave!" Chris huffs out in annoyance. "I hope your kidnappers come and get you again. School was at peace before you came crawling back."

Before the trio leaves, Mj sticks up her middle finger and the door shuts with a slam.

"Dude, are you ok? What did he do?!" Ned whisper yells.

"Check the desk and read those notes the team has been getting" Mj instructs making Ned and Flash do so. "That's it, calm and easy breaths. You're almost there."

"We thought it was a joke at first but then they got creepier and creepier. We were gonna go to the police which is crazy cause we knew Peter was Spider-Man but didn't connect the dots that these people were talking about spiders were representing as Spider-Man" Charles rambles.

"Y-you knew?" Peter looks at them confused.

"For a few weeks, yep" Cindy nods.

"And everyone is ok and fine. Just keep your heart elevated. No need to be panicking cause we are going to figure this out" Mj assures.

"No. I know what Norman wants and that's me. Beck only wants revenge on Tony by wanting me and Otto, he doesn't want to do any of this so he may not be any threat. I have to go after them" Peter determinedly states.

"WHAT?!" Everyone screams which makes Peter flinch back.

"Norman Osborn...the Green Goblin, he wants to kill me right? So what if I sneak attack him?" Peter suggests.

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