Chapter 35: Haunted By Them

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It's the day after Valentine's Day. Thursday the fifteenth and Mj and Peter are quickly making their way over to the AcaDec team who are talking by some lockers.

"We need to talk privately with all of you" Mj practically demands as she leaves no room for argument. They all go to an empty classroom with confused looks on their faces.

"What is going on?" Charles asks.

"Did you kidnap us?" Sally questions.

"We have something to ask you. Have you been receiving anything or been seeing someone or some people peeking around?" Peter wonders.

"No" Betty denies.

"You're lying. I can tell on all of your faces" Mj calls them out.

"Are you getting the letters too?" Cindy asks making their hearts skip a beat.

"L-letters? Like uhhh p-post-it's almost?" Peter asks only for them all to nod their heads.

"Show them to us" Mj states.

"Why?" Abe wonders.

"Just pull them all out and show them to us" Mj demands.

Everyone does so, almost throwing them on the desk in front of them.

"We were going to go to the police. We thought it was a prank at first but they get creepier and creepier" Betty explains.

Peter feels his eyes prick with tears as he stares at the notes and good thing they all smartly wrote the dates.

I know you know a little secret. A dirty little secret.

-February 6th

I am the monster that hides under your bed at night or am I the one in your closet?

-February 7th

Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows 

-February 8th

It was September when the spider had disappeared from your neighborhood. Around two months later, three teens had gone missing

-February 9th

I get so tired of watching! I...we want to start doing

-February 10th

My hope is that one day I will be able to say "I've killed a spider"

-February 11th

I'll never let the spider go...Never...Never...NEVER!! AHAHAHAHAHA

-February 12th

SSSSHHHHHH!! This one is for the spider. No tears, only dreams now...hahaha

-February 13th

When people tell you that your illusions are from PTSD they're wrong. It's all real

-February 14th

"I just got this today in my locker" Sally shakes as she shows them the post it.

The right music makes everything better. It can make the gruesome seem poetic. During mine and the spiders torture sessions, I like to play a lot of Katy Perry

-February 15th 

"Oh my god" Peter whispers as his voice wavers. He feels like he's going to faint.

"Holy shit. Before we thought this was just some random dude talking about spiders but you being Spider-Man and that new note makes sense! These are your kidnappers writing to us!" Cindy gasps and with that Peters knees felt weak and he collapsed on the floor with Mj barley catching him in time.

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