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What I've learned...what we've all learned is that the universe never fails, to surprise us human beings.

When we're younger, we were told stories about BigFoot and other urban legends...but has anyone ever told you about the Green Goblin? 

A goblin looking elf dude who wears all green, wearing this creepy mask and flies around in a hover board?

Well it started with this guy who got exposed with the Goblin Serum which causes the hosts mind to be split into two, creating two different personalities or what some may call, alter egos.

If you've ever heard of that Venom myth, it's kind of like that.

Two personalities, two people or creatures turned into one, joint together, listening to one another, etc. Has to be driving the host crazy right? Right...except if that host actually bounces off ideas with that parasite and they become whole. Become something together...which is what the Green Goblin has became in the myth of this story.

It's a pretty big story, a popular story actually here in New York City. Floating around through the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and even in my hometown, Queens and other major areas.

Because of that, we had all learned the differences between people and bad guys. Then super heroes have made their appearances and the Avengers were made. We were quickly taught the differences between heroes and villains. We were even taught that there are two types of villains despite them having the same goal...or almost the same goal.

The villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people. A good villain exudes charisma and power. He has principles, though which just gives him a level of dimension. It makes him appear to be a bit unpredictable because he's usually deemed as some type of evil, ruthless person, and then he shows you his principles, and you don't know what to think of it.

Now back to the heroes, well we all know what a hero is and what makes up a hero. It doesn't matter what colors their costumes are or what they look like but their duty, their personalities, their persists. Heroes always puts themselves before others, they help save a ton of lives!

Just like Iron Man had back in 2012 at the last Stark Expo. I was a dumb little kid who stuck up my hand acting like I could blast away a robot but I was quickly wrong as he was about to blast me but then Iron Man came and saved my life! I always looked up to Mr. Stark and now...hold up! I'm getting off track here!

Anyways, heroes are kind. They show passion, they fight for the lives of others, they're strong, brave and everything you can ever imagine. They're the good know. Everyone looks up to them and they give everyone that security people should feel.

But even with that security, there are still downfalls in life.

A ton of them actually.

Because you cannot save everyone...

No matter how hard you try.

Or how much you could've prevented it.

I lost my parents at the age of four due to a plane crash.

Years later, the day after I got my spider powers from my field trip to Oscorp, Uncle Ben had got shot.

Right in front of me.

And I didn't protect him.

I didn't prevent it.

I didn't save him.

But I will never forget what he told me.

He told me that with great power comes great responsibility.

So I became Spider-Man.

I swing around Queens in New York City, protecting the little guys.

Back to my living life, I live with my Aunt May.

She's super nice, thoughtful, strong and the best aunt you could ever ask for even if she can't really cook and I mean at all.

She doesn't know that I'm Spider-Man though...or at least did.

Mr. Stark had invited me to fight against Captain America and his team in Germany. It was a lot of fun but I didn't really know what I was doing there honestly.

But now I know it was because of the Sokovia Accords.

Everyone on Mr. Starks team had signed them but me. If I sign them, I'd have to reveal my identity and I really don't want to do that.

I'm only a sophomore in high school so I'm only fourteen, turning onto fifteen pretty soon.

Late birthdays sucks.

My birthday is August 10th so practically when I'm almost a junior I will be sixteen.

I only started being Spider-Man a few months ago so I was shocked when I showed up on Mr. Starks radar.

But not everything is all happy or exciting.

I had a HomeComing dance and I was taking Liz Allen but turned out, her father was the Vulture, Adrien Toomes. He's now in jail and he realized what he had done was wrong, trying to steal Mr. Starks plane filled with Avengers things to move upstate.

After that incident, Mr. Stark and I had gotten closer. We even had lab days after school! I sometimes even patrolled before and if not, I would patrol after! It's a ton of fun and we built so many things!

I even got Mr. Stark to go patrol with me one day and it was super fun! Ned Leeds, my best friend for life, had geeked out when I told him all of this after he had found out. Ned even helped me defeat the Vulture! He helped me by using my web shooters to web up some guys then he was being an awesome guy in the chair giving me directions.

Through all of that happening, we even got a new friend named Michelle Jones-Delmars! We call her Mj though cause she prefers that but only certain people that she allows calls her Mj. She's actually Mr. Delmars daughter but no one really knows that surprisingly. Well that shouldn't be a surprised cause she's like Ned and I, people ignore us.

We don't really care though because we have each other! Mj and I are even dating which is amazing!

Despite us all being there for each other, I've still tried to hide things from them and luckily they haven't found out yet.

Cause I'm sure it's nothing...right?

Let's bring everyone back to the first time it has happened.

Where I thought it was nothing.


*For the sake of this story, Homecoming happens freshman year*

That's the end of the prologue! Quick thing here, all of the chapters are in third person. This chapter was only in first person cause I wanted Peter to narrate things. We had posted a trailer on this on our new Tik Tok account cause our old one logged us out and we can't log back on. Our new user is @scottystaco so please follow us and check the trailer out! We hope you enjoy the upcoming story and will be posting a chapter every other day!

Also this is our 1 yr anniversary of having a wattpad account!

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