Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy

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It's September 28th.

It's been four days and Tony has been in his lab for around 96 hours. Pepper or Rhodey have been giving him food and telling him he should sleep but he doesn't listen. He's been only drinking caffeine and of course it's not good for him but it's just a big habit from him.

They've been receiving notes, more so Flash than literally anyone else. He had received four notes in the past four days.

Be prepared.

-September 25th

I see what you've been planning. You're never going to find him.

-September 26th

Sometimes we let our fears take control over us but that's the best part.

-September 27th

And now today...

I see you...

-September 28th

Tony shakes his head to ignore the notes. He has to be focused in his work at the moment. Neds tv show idea had really sparked an idea into him. He can make the machine a lot better than that show obviously because he's Tony freaking Stark and a genius. If he uses Yelenas blood and Peters blood to tie them together, Yelena would have a stronger connection with Peter to be able to see and hear things more clearer.

It took him time to think everything over and really build this machine or whatever someone could call it to work and be made properly. Now, he's just tinkering around with it to make sure it's all going to run smoothly and efficient.

He rolls back on his spiny chair and looks at what he had created. Attached to a chair that you can lay down on so basically a bed but standing up, there are wires. Those wires hook up to you and transfer the data on the screen. There is also a head piece which is going to go over Yelenas head so the process could even happen with making her go into Peters mind.

Tony also debated on making a monitor screen that would show what's going inside of Yelenas head allowing everyone to see what Yelena sees. It's more so he can see if Peter is ok or not but he didn't really know if he should so he did it anyways and with everyone's vote on it to actually do it or not.

He breathes in and out, looking at the masterpiece he had made. It only took him 96 hours of trial and errors but he had finally did it.

"We're coming kid" Tony whispers.


Peter has been a mess especially because Norman had killed May and Tony. Once the interrogation was over with, he was thrown back into his cell, bleeding, hurt, in pain and tears spilling down his eyes at rapid pace.

He had killed May and Tony. It's not Normans fault even though he had just been thinking that but his very own. He didn't answer the questions so they were killed. Even then, he didn't answer the questions because why would he? He's not going to betray his family like that even though he had killed them...Peter shakes his head furiously.

He hates this. He just wants to go home but now he doesn't even have a home. If May's dead, he'd be sent to foster care. Mj and Ned will also get mad at him for being a killer. There would also be no lab nights anymore because Tony's gone and Pepper, Rhodey and Happy would all hate him once they find out he killed him. They both didn't deserve death but they got it and it was all because of him.

It's been days since their death. He doesn't know how much or even if it had actually been days. For him, it feels like years had past by but he knows that didn't happen...or had it? He hates how weak and vulnerable he is. 

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